Sam Marquez (Las Vegas) (coldandjaded) wrote in undertherainbow, @ 2008-06-23 14:03:00 |
Entry tags: | alice ayres, invincible iron man, john winchester, moirae, sam marquez |
Attention! Rich People! Newly rich, always rich, lost it and got it again rich! All of you!
This is for all of you monetarily inclined out there. My friends and I have just got here, to the city of sin. That's right, Las Vegas. I've promised them that I would bring in big money to their casino. Since I am one that never fails to do what she's promised, here's where you come in. You come to Las Vegas, to Danny and Mary's casino specifically, and I will personally show you the best time of your life/lives. Anything you can think of that you want? I'll get it for you.
Tony Stark? I hear there are two of you. In my world I showed a you a great time. You came yearly to relax in fact. Bring your ladies and we'll even throw in free spa treatments for them.
Bruce Wayne? I heard that you were around as well. Feel up to some roulette like you liked in my world? Come on by.
Any other wealthy people feel free to give me a call or message me here and we can discuss arrangements. Thank you for your time.
Those of you in the entertainment business -- looking for a gig? Leave me a message as well. Maybe you can come entertain the crowd. We have quite the audience in here daily.
Yes. I am still shameless. What of it?
I gave you my number for a reason. You not calling kinda makes a girl think you're not interested.