Teague Brennan (poetbrennan) wrote in undertherainbow, @ 2008-03-21 20:44:00 |
Entry tags: | belladonna rogan, eve, mary, teague brennan |
Here's the skinny.
We need to re-buy absolutely EVERYTHING we already bought for our nursery back home. This isn't so much a problem, but with my wife due in about six weeks, we're in crunch mode.
Anyone who has any unused baby stuff (Newborn & Infant stuff would be great!) that they need to sell or get rid of would be highly appreciated if they call [phone number] or post here. We're expecting a boy.
We're also looking for a midwife, and other parents of babies that wouldn't mind having play-dates with a couple of rocker hippies and their kiddo. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you guys!