Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - August 6th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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August 6th, 2011

[Aug. 6th, 2011|12:22 pm]
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It kind of sucks that it isn't like college or something where you get to invite everybody, but I did get my diploma today. I've officially graduated from L'atelier in London. And given that Brendy left me a job, I guess that officially makes me a chef.

... Well, technically, it makes me a line cook with a job, but you get my point. Whee!
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[Aug. 6th, 2011|04:43 pm]



I really need to get a different squad. Or get this naff lot fired. Next time they go "oh, you're not allowed to go near it, it'll explode. Go make us a brew instead", I'm shoving Nitro-9 down their pants.

Taught the Cybermen, should teach them.
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