Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - February 1st, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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February 1st, 2011

[Feb. 1st, 2011|04:39 am]


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Really, Asmodey, you're allowed to get bored with sending them out to the desert to destroy me at any time. It's been quite nearly a month now. I'll keep pulling rank and sending them back, you realize, I'm not going to tire of laughing over the fact that it works.

Ariel, if I may have a word with you? It's been weeks, and I thought I'd check in on the least painful thorn in my side.
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[Feb. 1st, 2011|06:28 pm]
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Okay, I'm bored. Need to do something fun and exciting. Sent the kid over to one of his friends' houses for a sleepover so it's just me here. Any suggestions? I'd usually go out to a club or maybe share a round of drinks at a bar.. but my mansion is open too. Got a new hot tub, as well as indoor pool. And very good food to sample from. Oh.. which reminds me, I plan to host a party soon. ;)
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[Feb. 1st, 2011|06:49 pm]


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All right, my lovelies. If I were to hold a good old fashioned Stitch N' Bitch at Casa Del Garcia, who'd show up?

I promise fine cheeses and the softest of shoulders to cry on!
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[Feb. 1st, 2011|08:21 pm]
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Nate, Doll...

I hear there's a wedding we should be going to. What do you think?
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[Feb. 1st, 2011|08:48 pm]

someone said that my daddies aren't really mine 'cause they didn't make me. it's the same way it was with gru. they ARE. it doesn't matter they're mine.
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[Feb. 1st, 2011|10:39 pm]
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Valentine's Day is coming up. I have no idea what to get my boyfriend, but I was leaning toward sex.
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