Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - June 24th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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June 24th, 2009

[Jun. 24th, 2009|02:57 pm]
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Gaz )
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[Jun. 24th, 2009|04:38 pm]
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It has recently come to my attention (read: the cook's told me every day this week) that I don't get out often enough, and that even if I'm not actually on the schedule (which I write, by the way) I'm still at work.

The entire staff is about ready to stage a coup if I come in again tonight. Who wants to show an old lady a good time? Anybody?
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[Jun. 24th, 2009|11:30 pm]
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Because it's summer and I know I'll run out of things to do, I might teach a Pilates class, if anyone is interested.

Mom, not until the chest burster bursts.
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