Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - May 28th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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May 28th, 2009

[May. 28th, 2009|02:07 am]


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Bela. )

Teague. )

Sammy. )
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[May. 28th, 2009|02:50 am]
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It seems that an extraordinary localized disturbance in both weather and space-time has resulted in my relocation to what appears to be Earth, several hundreds of years before my own time.


I infer from the natural ease with which the technology of this time has led me to this text-based forum that mine is not an unheard-of experience.

[OOC: Please do continue to tag through tomorrow. I know probably not many people are up right now, but Spock mun keeps very strange hours and needs something to do during work. And please do forgive me for disappearing at random and answering slowly. I have work and school and ADD. :P]
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[May. 28th, 2009|05:35 am]



Hey everyone I love and work with!

I have presents for you! It's going to drive you nuts until you see me next now. Hahahaha! I've been dreaming about you all so much lately, well that and Bert and my Uncle Larry and the time he made about 300 people get food poisoning at the local fair. That's a whole other story though. He never would eat blueberries again after that. I know I work with you guys again, but it's so cool because it's almost family 24/7.

McGee, I found a way to redecorate part of the living room! So excited to show you when you get home.
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[May. 28th, 2009|05:47 am]

Ron, I really need to talk to you.
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[May. 28th, 2009|10:47 am]
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Three months, kids. Three months sober today.

I really, really, really want a drink.
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[May. 28th, 2009|06:05 pm]



[backdated to the day after SB arrived]

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[May. 28th, 2009|07:22 pm]



Wormtail!! )
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[May. 28th, 2009|07:28 pm]
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Yay, Summer!
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[May. 28th, 2009|07:31 pm]
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We should have a family dinner. It's been a while since we've all been in the same place at the same time.
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[May. 28th, 2009|07:56 pm]


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All of these owls are fucking daft and this muggle thingy doesn't work.
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[May. 28th, 2009|09:18 pm]


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I got a part as a hostess on a cooking programme!

(Don't worry Dethklok affiliates, it will not supersede my duties as healer.)
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[May. 28th, 2009|09:33 pm]

It's been so long since I heard the merest whisper of Soul Edge... I can't help but wonder how my family is, Cassandra and Pyrrha especially.

I suppose I should try to move on from thinking about those swords, and about my family. They're not very likely to turn up here, after all.
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[May. 28th, 2009|11:16 pm]
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Dr Lisa Cuddy )

Sophie )
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