Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - February 4th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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February 4th, 2009

[Feb. 4th, 2009|12:26 am]

This situation is less than ideal.

Sarah? John?

There is a woman calling herself my mother. It is an unexpected development.
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|09:23 am]


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Tubing? handful of quid
Cold forged wrench set? 40, probably
Fixing the coolers in the auto bay while the blokes are bitchin'  on their smoke break? 26.5min

Watching them walk around, adjusting themselves, trying to not be impressed? Priceless.

This kind of work is way bloody easier when you have supplies.
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|09:59 am]
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Un oiseau, un enfant, une chèvre
Le bleu du ciel, un beau sourire du bout des lèvres
Un crocodile, une vache, du soleil
Et ce soir je m'endors au pays des merveilles
Un oiseau, un crayon, une chèvre
Le bleu du ciel, un peu de sucre, un peu de sel
Un crocodile, quelques fleurs, une abeille
Et ce soir je m'endors au pays des merveilles

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[Feb. 4th, 2009|10:04 am]


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For those of you who wondered if I'd found me duck again, I had, but it were stuck in the Thames and I had to dreg it out. Weren't that great of an adventure, I got me hair mucked up like.

I've a wonderful plan for today, however, involving me reinstating all the glitterbotsand getting them into Dublin as well as London. It ain't illegal, as glitter ain't singularly large enough to be considered littering. Ain't a public menace, neither.
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|01:35 pm]
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This place really is strange, but aside from the random bouts of crazy it really isn't all that different from home. I like it.

Easier to help folk here, for one thing, folk back home seem to resist help like it'll burn them if they get any. Not everyone, of course, but most. Always seemed strange to me, could be it's a pride thing, can understand that well enough.

Weather's been pretty cold these days, [London address] is still open to anybody who needs company or a meal, even a place to sleep, just don't freeze yourself getting here.
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|01:37 pm]
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Ugh, it's all cold and damp and frostbitten outside. Why couldn't we have landed somewhere warm? And why are we staying in stupid old London anyway? We should be out roaming! Terrorizing! Sacking and pillaging! Burning things to the ground!
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|02:53 pm]


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Hardison )

Parker )

I'll be in the blanket fort.
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|05:55 pm]


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I have been in this time for a few days now, and while many things have changed, even more have stayed the same. Beauty is still coveted - I can feel eyes moving over me now, as they never have. What a thing, to be prized! Nobody has ever looked at me this way, save one (though he prized me for reasons other than my looks). And it's strangely comforting to see that mankind's capacity for cruelty is still intact. And oh my! - what lovely inventions! Such fantastic inventions for hurting each other! In my day, we had knives and swords and whips and heated metal. I should like to shake the hand of the man who invented the electric chair, the bomb.

And for the record, I quite like smog. It reminds me a little of home.
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|07:02 pm]
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Okay, now... what?

One minute, I am working out, the next I am swept up by a twister and deposited in Downtown La-La-land? And there is no answer at the Mansion...

What the heck is going on?
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|08:40 pm]
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Parker )
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|10:27 pm]

I seem to be someplace new.

Hmmm. I haven't run into any of the Sisterhood yet.

So much the better, really.

Also, my closet is full of clothing that I previously could not afford. I now look fabulous, as is my right.

This will do, I suppose.
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|11:47 pm]
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Box sitting on Navi's windowsill, with attached note )
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