Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - August 29th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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August 29th, 2008

[Aug. 29th, 2008|01:51 am]
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I've arranged a babysitter. I've made reservations at a very nice restaurant and at an even nicer hotel. I'm going to take the woman I love out of the house for the night, wine her, dine her, and then fuck her until I pass out from exhaustion. Since I don't have a body, as such, this may take some time.

Anyone who is under the mistaken impression that they need either of us is invited to introduce themselves bodily to the business end of a deep chasm.
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[Aug. 29th, 2008|05:17 am]


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Sable. )
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[Aug. 29th, 2008|08:24 am]
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This world is far too boring and lonely for my tastes.

Who's up for a spontanious trip to Fiji? I'll have you know I am an excellent (if not textbook) tour guide and the adventures will be memorable. Possibly dangerous, maybe even illegal. But totally memorable. Who would want to miss that?
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[Aug. 29th, 2008|11:08 am]
[Current Music |SWR - True Romance]

Henn )
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[Aug. 29th, 2008|11:45 am]
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Soren, I wants to has on a discussings with you.

You ams well, Miniver.
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[Aug. 29th, 2008|08:11 pm]


[Current Mood |bored]

I know I could find my family and all, it wouldn't be that hard, but I'm not really in the mood for fighting family members.

but I am so bored!

Anyone have any ideas for something to do?
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[Aug. 29th, 2008|10:19 pm]


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[Current Mood |pissed off]

This is not the planet I was aiming for. My TARDIS does not make mistakes, so I demand an explantion for this.
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