Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - August 17th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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August 17th, 2008

[Aug. 17th, 2008|12:25 pm]
I need someone to spar with.

Belle, busy?

Athos )
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|12:25 pm]
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I’ve recently been on a sojourn in the south pacific, which is to say that I may have gotten lost walking home one night and ended up in the big blue briny wet thing, only to be hoiked out again by a couple of beefcake islanders on a late-night fishing trip. Then I may also have decided that I liked this and decided to stay for a few lot of weeks.

Anyway, I'm back now, so anyone who missed me and/or my FANTASTIC RACK should come see me at work [address to The Snake Pit in New Orleans] I make the good drinks and I'm all full of tales of adventure.
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|12:37 pm]
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It’s good to be home. I had a great time on my road trip, saw… well, saw a whole lot of things, not all of them worth reporting, but the ones that were are now mapped out across one wall at my house, if anybody wants to come see. I’ve got souvenirs of course, and I might share them if you ask nice.

Another thing: My birthday’s coming up here pretty quick, didn’t realize just how fast time had gone by, but there’ll be a shindig somewhere, I’ll keep you all posted.

locked_to_family* )
(*‘family’ includes Sam, Dean, the other Dean, Anne, Bela, Bobby, Bobby’s squeeze, John, Al, and any demons who might notice)
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|03:57 pm]
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Well that certainly wasn’t any sort of normal psychic disturbance, and believe you me, I’ve felt my share. Of course, knowing one thing that it wasn’t doesn’t really put me that much closer to knowing what it was, so if anyone has some insight I’d much appreciate it. No need to be shy, I don’t bite, name’s Missouri, Missouri Mosley, and I'm fair certain I wound up someplace I ain’t supposed to be.
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|04:08 pm]
Uh-oh spaghettiO's...

My face hurts. Someone help. OW. OW. OW.

I got a piercing in three places on my face last night! I guess that's pretty exciting. I could get used to it. Jonathan's gonna be surpriiiiiiiised...

Mr. J )
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|04:15 pm]
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Thank God I finally got my ass back to civilization.

Someone wanna tell me why my mountain sank t'the ocean there for a few days? Th'Hell kinda place is this?

[[ooc: Jack had been farming in Italy (for Athos and Porthos, I think I remember?), when Europe sank into the ocean. I'm going to assume he didn't have a phone with him, since he's not used to them anyway, and he's just now getting back on the grid (other than perhaps a 'I'm not dead' call to Ennis, I'm guessing- unless you want to go for the dramatic). Needless to say, he's rather pissed.]]
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|04:18 pm]
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That was a weird thing. Cyclonic forces like that do not occur in nature!

Captain Hammer couldn't have done it; he's not smart enough. And Professor Darkness is in Hawaii on vacation, so... hm. Mystery.

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[Aug. 17th, 2008|05:44 pm]
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Fucking clown.

Jonas )

Monster )
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|06:36 pm]
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So, I'm bored, and need to get out of the house.

Anyone want to go time traveling with me?
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|07:24 pm]
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Whoa. That was weird. I was headed up to the airship after the party and caught some turbulence, which doesn’t usually happen, even when it’s snowing and stuff you know? And instead of ending up in the airship I ended up in a really swanky apartment, like, REALLY swanky, I'm pretty sure I'm in London, but it’s hard to tell for sure since I can’t see any landmarks and I haven’t heard anybody talk yet, but some cities just have a feel to them, and London’s one of those. Anyway, hi, I'm Stephanie, and I'm not sure where I am, help?
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|08:22 pm]
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I must say that this is QUITE odd, it’s like a church organ but for words instead of music, and a window like a Punch & Judy screen.

I'm not even sure how I know to work it at all, but I do. I suppose it may simply be a matter of my finally going mad, really. After all, I’ve been in bedlam for months now, and there was a storm, rattling all the windows, except that nobody else seemed to notice it.

So here I am on the other side of it, looking altogether too much like a Christmas peppermint stick in this dress, and I MUST have gone mad to be wearing it.

I don’t suppose anyone knows what’s going on do they?
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|09:28 pm]



It's so dull here.

Rachel )

Gar )
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|09:29 pm]
So, apparently someone's been looking for me?
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|09:34 pm]


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(Anyone who has ever befriended Lulu or Skwisgaar the Elder has been sent one of these. Glynda and Brenda Annn have notes that they are humbly asked to be bridesmaids.)

Miniver, darling, I have a question to ask you.
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|09:41 pm]


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Oh~ Deeeeanie-Weeeeenie~!
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|09:43 pm]

Mervyn, would you show around the newest addition to the Dreaming? I've given her the official tour, but I think she could use some interaction with her peers. She's a sweet dream, but she's rather confused.
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|10:18 pm]


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I do hope my students are keeping themselves out of trouble.

Villains, killer clowns, murderers, perverts, and psychopaths cannot see this part of the post. Move on, bads of all shapes and sizes. )
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|10:33 pm]



Um...what just happened?
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|11:03 pm]


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Mister Todd. )
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|11:19 pm]

As much as I like not having to take care of my mother and sister, this place is kind of boring without Marshall and my job has been relatively quiet.

I don't do quiet.

I totally wish Marshall was here. Hell I'd settle for having my boss here even.
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|11:54 pm]


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[Current Mood |amused]

This just in:

I'm young, I'm pretty, and I can't be beat.

But really, I don't think things could be better.
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After all she's been through, man! [Aug. 17th, 2008|11:55 pm]
[Current Mood |chipper]

So I have had time to think things over. And in considering my new found personality, (I'm still trying to understand why people think I'm a "Jack" or why I'm expected at "work" in "New York", but that is neither here nor there.)

This helped me, I think. I just kept picturing people tearfully talking about how 'after all Anne's been though'. And then I had an image of her mother chasing my with one of Ares' swords, only to claim she didn't do it.

Oh Youtube...have all the answers for my moral issues.
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