Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - February 22nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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February 22nd, 2008

[Feb. 22nd, 2008|12:11 am]
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Doug )
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|12:11 am]
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So, I really need to get this off my chest.

Whatever dupe gets to this first )
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|12:17 am]
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Hey hey Merv!
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|02:26 am]



So Rain is finally settled and we have some sort of routine going on. If it weren't for Ianto's coffee I'd so not be coping. Anyway, anyone who knows us is more than welcome to come visit.
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|02:56 am]


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Occasionally, this world is an amusing little place.
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|07:56 am]
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I have a lovely 1932 chardoney and no one to share it with.

Whatever shall I do?
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|11:33 am]
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What the Hell are "pappa-razzi" and why do they keep following me around with cameras? I thought they had to go through my agent and manager first?

Lucky they don't get a taste of the Gray is what they really are.
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|11:57 am]
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What the hell was that?

I don't really like being screwed with. And I'm not the kind of person anyone should be screwing with.

So someone better tell me what the fuck is going on.

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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|01:42 pm]


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Well, that's certainly one way to spend one's 17th.
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|02:41 pm]
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Are there any big or important cases going on right now? I don't think so. If you guys want to take the day off, feel free. Go play in the snow while it's still clean.
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|03:20 pm]
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[Current Mood |cheerful]

Alice, ducky, I've found my home and it's in London as well, so we can be faux neighbours! I'll come knocking for a cuppa here and there, how's that, lovely?

Jack fucking Dent, you and I are doing late lunch today, am I right? Meet me all the old place in the city, would you? I feel nostalgic and fabulous and want to show off my new shoes while getting a toss and tickle from my old luvvy. I want to see that old arse of yours in person. When am I being brought home to your man, anyway? Wrap me up to go after lunch, maybe? No, I've plans, wait. Maybe Saturday, luv. What bloody day is it today? Friday? Bloody Hell. Just settled on the year, give me a moment!

By the by, I've an urge to go dancing. Later, maybe. Jack, my dearest, you'll have to take me out. Oooh, or Alice luvvy, you and I could go, couldn't we? Where's that House chap? Do you dance, ducky, or should I count you out? Somebody was a dancer in there. Oooh, Karen lover! You want to a bit of a visit? I'm a bit scattered today, but then, when am I not?
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|03:25 pm]
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Rose. Ice cream. Now. I'll buy.
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|03:57 pm]
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Damn, you know, I love learning and all, but I really think I may have gotten in over my head.

Hey, Winry, you want to go out to eat?
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|05:17 pm]
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We's all moved away from Papaw's. Reckon the city's ok. I got m'own room now, that's cool. 's all cowboy stuff. Mama worked real hard onnit, sh'said.

Oh!!! An' sh'got me a gamin' system! An' all these cool games. Ma's th'best.
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|06:01 pm]
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[Current Mood |bored]

This place is inexcusably dull.

I demand that someone entertain me. Now.
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|08:55 pm]
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Jean Grey )
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|09:03 pm]
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Tokyo is so much more fun than I remember it being. A nice weekend with my boyfriend made everything seem perfect in the world.

Mia. )

Jon. )

Ms. Cuddy. )
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|10:12 pm]
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First night inna buildin' an' someone get's shot.

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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|10:58 pm]
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Mia! )
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|11:17 pm]
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Jason )

Private )

Mom )

Private )
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|11:30 pm]
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Mr. Mark )
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