I really need to get a job that doesn't involve hanging out with another guy my age and talking about how other guys' legs move for an hour or so. It does odd things to my brain, and then I'm walking around wanting to tell people how to walk.
Eventually someone is going to just punch me, and that will stop it from being funny. I guess I haven't had any real conflict recently, except arguing with Nathan, but that's more like a sanity test, really. 'Do you think Nathan Summers is a self-righteous blowhard?' 'Yes?' 'Good job, still sane.'
It occurs to me that I might be a little bit masochistic, now. Oh well.
No work tomorrow, or at least no work in the flower shop, and Scott's doing private training. So I either need to hook up with my lovely girlfriend and do something dorky, or actually, you know, buy another set of clothing so I'm not rewearing the same three t-shirts over and over again.
Maybe I'll just get four more and designate a shirt for every day of the week.