May 20th, 2012

[info]sweet_murder in [info]undergroundcity

Who: Kelsey & Hollynn
What: Assignment
Where: (Building - Lemme know Averia.)
When: Day - Saturday
Rating: R (Kel is on a first name basis with the word 'fuck'.)
Status: Incomplete

Die young and go to hell.. Even if she didn't believe in it, she knew she was a sinner and in the end would have to pay.  )

[info]ex_notevenfa89 in [info]undergroundcity

Who: Syd & Dex
What: Screwing aroundTaking care of the bar.
Where: The club/bar that they co-own in NNYC.
When: Saturday - late afternoon/early evening before it opens.
Rating: PG-13? (IDEK)
Status: Incomplete

Man, this place looked like shit after last night. )

[info]night_song in [info]undergroundcity

Private to the Underground

Alvah, how's your big bro doing?

[info]houseofel in [info]undergroundcity

Who: Francis and Eva.
What: Visit in the hospital.
Where: One of the Underground's hospitals.
When: Late Sunday afternoon.
Rating: PG-ish.
Status: Incomplete.

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