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Us Against Them Logs

You wake up. When your eyes open you might not recognize your surroundings immediately, but have no doubt about it; this is Earth. More specifically, Las Vegas, or at least what Las Vegas used to be, before everything happened...






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    [03 Apr 2014|12:57pm]

    WHO: Lydia Martin and Allison Argent
    WHAT: Brunch for girl time and catching up.
    WHERE: The Spa at the Monte Carlo
    WHEN: Late Thursday Morning.
    WARNING: Possibly angst?
    STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

    Placeholder )

    [02 Apr 2014|10:08am]

    WHO: Derek Hale & Mika Samuels
    WHAT: Nightmares
    WHERE: Their suite in the Best Western on the strip
    WHEN: Last night in the middle of the banshee stuff
    WARNINGS: Excessive adorbs and a little bit of angst?
    STATUS: Closed, Complete

    Sweet dreams are made of these; who am I to disagree? )

    [01 Apr 2014|10:39pm]

    Who: Stiles Stilinski and Lydia Martin
    What: Jacuzzi party ending in...bad things. So it's a normal time for them, really.
    Where: Monte Carlo
    When: Tuesday evening.
    Rating: Mediumish for talks of death.
    status: Complete.

    Cause you have seen some unbelievable things. )

    [01 Apr 2014|09:37pm]

    WHO: Alex Mulloy
    WHAT: Kol compelled Alex to act drunk and then walk out into the middle of the night to get killed by a monster, yo
    WHEN: Tuesday night
    WARNINGS: Character death
    STATUS: Narrative

    Kol Sucks )

    [01 Apr 2014|01:45am]

    WHO: Allison Argent & Joey McCoy
    WHAT: Girls just wanna have fun :P
    WHEN: Monday night, 3/31
    WHERE: Hilton Grande on the strip
    WARNINGS: Homophobes beware, innocent (and SUPER mild) f/f experimentation ahoy.
    STATUS: Closed, Incomplete

    This was never the way I planned, not my intention. )

    [30 Mar 2014|10:59pm]

    Who: Isabel and Kenzi
    What: Discovering Isabel is more than just an average human.
    Where: A kitchen at the Planet Hollywood
    When: Nighttime on Sunday
    Warnings: None as of yet
    Status: Closed/Incomplete
    Read more... )

    [30 Mar 2014|08:00pm]

    WHO: Lydia Martin and Stiles Stilinski
    WHAT: Talking and touching and ♥.
    WHERE: The hallways of Monte Carlo and their secret room.
    WHEN: Sunday Night.
    WARNING: Fluff. And some plotty stuff.
    STATUS: Closed/Complete

    Every now and then the stars align / Boy and girl meet by the great design / Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones? )

    [28 Mar 2014|02:53am]

    WHO: Derek Hale & Tate Langdon
    WHAT: Alpha/beta bonding post-ogre
    WHERE: Best Western lobby
    WHEN: Backdated to just after the Adventures of Mika, the Ogre, and her angry pack of dogs
    WARNINGS: Bro feels
    STATUS: Closed, Incomplete

    I hope he's not like me; I hope he understands that he can take this life and hold it by the hand. And he can greet the world with arms wide open... )

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