September 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

If this is some sort of SHIELD fuckery, I'm out. Taking me is going to do you no good.

Fucking hell, I need a drink.



[No Subject]

This is a curiosity to say the least. Walking along and simply ending up in another place entirely. Appirition is terribly deliberate, not a magic that can be used by accident, which leads me to believe there must be another form of powerful spatial magic at work here, leaving my question to be who has the skill for such a thing. Further, I've come to the conclusion that this jump has not been simply over space, but time as well. I've no logical explanation for it at all, but the fact remains reality that this is what has happened.

Forgive my musing as I reason this out and do correct me if I'm wrong in my inference on the matter. What I ought to be doing is introducing myself. Remus Lupin, pleased to meet you all.

Network Post

[Private to Dave]


Network Post

Hello? Ich habe mich verlaufen. Können Sie mir bitte helfen?

Wo bin ich hier? What is this?



[No Subject]

Who: Terrance Ward & Kurt Wagner
What: Retrieving a blue demon baby
When: 9/28, afternoon
Where: Rando house and then Academy
Rating: Low, I'm sure
Status: Close / complete

The boys in black )



filtered from the hargreeves kids - grace included in filter.

For the food for the party, I thought it would be important for those of us making food to know if anyone has any sort of food allergies or restrictions so that we can be mindful of that when we are making things. Aside from Klaus’s aversion to anything healthy of course. I figured keeping this separate from the main discussion would be better.



[No Subject]

Who: Liz and OPEN
What: Gettig supplies
Where: A drug store
When: September 26
Warning: Shouldn't be

Read more... )



[No Subject]

Who: Ben Hargreeves and Five Hargreeves
What: Brotherly bonding
When: 9/28, afternoon
Where: The Academy
Rating: Low
Status: Closed / In Progress

Ben hadn't been to the Academy in a long time. )



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Wanda]

Okay, uh, hi, so this might seem like a totally weird question but are you Wanda Maximoff? And, I mean if you're not then that's cool sorry for bothering you.

[Filtered to Steve]

So while I'm on a stupid question run and bothering people run... you haven't seen Teddy, right? I'm trying not to use my powers to look for him... but I don't know if he's been pulled here too.



[Network Post]

Okay so weird and wonderful is pretty much a day in the life of me so I don't even care where I am or how I got here but I do want to know if anybody has seen my fiancé?

He's tall, dark, super handsome, probably totally panicked and maybe even having some sort of anxiety attack?

I'm Teddy by the way.

Also I'm green and super hulked out right now, call it a reflex.