It takes two to write a letter's Journal
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Sunday, March 15th, 2009

    Time Event
    April 1, 1982

    God's sake, I don't know what's so beastly about me writing to tell you she's ill. Especially not so you have to be rude about it. Would you prefer I didn't write at all? Not that it'd make any great difference if I hadn't, she'll be all well in a day or two with no ill effects but she was all stubborn about apologizing to you for whatever awfulness she wrote the day before. Was it all that bad? She kept going on like it was, all "darling Viv" this and "my poor love" that and so on, but she does that. At least she does the exaggeration. Does she always pet-name people to death or is it just you? Fancy a couple of men doing that back and forth, I know you're good old friends but really.

    And I don't see what so terrible of me telling you about Jake either, especially since I didn't go on and on. I wrote maybe two sentences about him and they were very to the point. No reason to go on and on, it's Cassie that wants to set you up not me. I just thought I'd mention it since I was writing already. I'm very sorry if that offended you so much, I'll let Jake know not to get his hopes up.

    But if you absolutely must have details this minute, so badly you have to send my owl back gasping for breath, here you go. She's sick but it's not life threatening by any stretch, she's got a bit of fever and some chills, nothing like those burnups you women think are so romantic, it's not like she's delusional or babbling or anything. She's been mooning about in the damp apparently, said something about walking to work the other day, and just caught a touch of something. I'm not a doctor or one of your healers, but she'll be right as rain again in a couple days as long as no one harasses her with questions about how poorly she feels or tries to make her go into the salon, like they don't have plenty of other women to cut hair. She insisted on the dictation because I insisted she stay in bed and sleep, and I insisted that because I knew she'd just be up and about running errands in the rain if I didn't practically tie her down. And I didn't tie her down, in case you're wondering. But it was a near thing, she kept saying she was perfectly fine and needed to do something for her aunt and uncle, like she doesn't do more than her share already. And if I hadn't stayed home from work that day she probably would've just gone on and downplayed it as not sleeping well the night before and overworked herself. So you see you don't need to come back to nurse her back to health or prove your love or anything, she's my Cassie too and I've got it perfectly under control.

    What's all this about disappearances anyway? Is that Sam you're talking about the dancey one Cassie mentions sometimes? I think I met him once? Doesn't seem like the sort of bloke who'd go missing, he's probably off in a pub somewhere, drunk off his arse on sherry. He seemed the light-drinking-hard-drinking type. If it's the bloke I remember. Might not be.

    I don't know about castles being dreary, Hogwarts was nice enough even in winter. But I guess they had all kind of charms and things up to help it, yours probably doesn't. When'd you get that, anyway? I thought you were dirt poor. Oh wait, I think she said something about an inheritance once, but I'm never sure what she's being serious about so if it sounds outlandish or romantic I write it off as a joke. It sounds like a joke.

    And I'm not jealous, though yes, I did notice you don't like me very much thanks and I still don't see why. But there's no real reason to be jealous when I'm here and you're there, is there? Even if you are always fawning like that.

    Write again if you must, but don't expect to hear from Cassie again for a couple days. She could be just fine tomorrow, but I'd still make her sleep to get her strength back after, for all I know she's been feeling tired for a week and just never thought to mention it. None of that on my watch, thanks.

    Sydney Shepherd,
    most assuredly not a beast
    1 April 1982
    Dear Sydney (you beast!)

    Have you ever wondered why sometimes I don't like you? You must have noticed, and if you haven't Cassie may have pointed it out to you, because Cassie is so good at noticing things, especially when it's among people she cares about. And it does no good to pretend these sorts of things don't happen, does it? One can sometimes rather dislike the man in the life of one's dearest friend and relative, while still noticing that that they somehow, quite mysteriously manage to rub along rather well together, can't one?

    But that's neither here nor there. The question is whether you've noticed, and even if you haven't, I think you've probably got the point by now that it is in fact the case that sometimes I rather dislike you. (But don't worry, it's not all the time. Only sometimes. Like now!) And if you're wondering why, this is it. That letter! What kind of a letter is that? First you say Cassie is ill, and then you don't say anything about how ill she is or what kind of illness it is or anything at all except that she's staying in bed and resting and can't even dictate a full letter, which I wouldn't think would take any effort at all really, and I wish I had someone to dictate my letters to, though I suppose I could try the house elf. I hesitate to think what would happen to my correspondence if I did, but I suppose I could try.

    But I can't tell if it's you or Cassie telling me not to come (not that I'd listen to either of you if it wasn't for Sam still being missing and I feel it's my duty to track him down no matter how long it takes). But if this lasts any longer than a day or two, of course I'll come. As if I'd let my dearest friend and relative be seriously ill in London and stay here, no matter what was going on here. (And not that it matters (you are rather easily distracted, aren't you?), but I happen to own a country house. It may possibly qualify as a stately home, but only if you stretch things a little. It's definitely not a castle. That would be quite dreary, don't you think? All that stone, so cold.)

    But returning to the subject at hand, which is your excessively dreadful letter, after failing to tell me anything pertinent about Cassie, you then write on and on about a friend of yours, as if I care about men when my dearest Cassie is ill.

    Oh dear. I suppose if you think it's a bad idea (and you're there and I'm not, more's the pity) I won't write her (are you jealous? please don't be so silly, I swear, men) But I do expect you to write back with more details. Please? I won't come right away, but you can't think how awful it is being stuck here with people disappearing all round me and then getting ill in London and I can't believe Cassie is ill. She's never ill. Not even when I had mono for months when we were young and she was right there in the same house and never got a thing except for a fever for one evening. And she's so strong, and she always knows what to do. She can't really be ill, can she?

    Please write. I'm terribly worried.

    Yours sincerely,

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