Twisted Shorts - August 19th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Buffy & Angel Crossovers

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August 19th, 2008

Mod Pimping-- Spookathon [Aug. 19th, 2008|07:54 am]


Prompts are up for claiming over at Spookathon.

You don't need an IJ to play, and links will be posted to the Spookathon livejournal as the stories go up the week before Halloween. Make sure you put an author name in your claim comment.

Minimum word count 750. No max.

Fic Due October 20th

All fandoms, pairings, gen het slash, rps welcome. There's a list of generic prompts as well so if your fandom didn't get in the specific prompts you can still play. The generic prompts can be claimed unlimited times, but only once for a specific character (ex. Gypsy curse can only be claimed once for Bandom-Frank Iero and once for Supernatural Sam/Dean, etc)

Come have some fun.

need I add crossovers are always good?
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