Twisted Shorts - June 3rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Buffy & Angel Crossovers

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June 3rd, 2008

Fic: Initiative Intervention (1/1) Rated PG [Jun. 3rd, 2008|10:06 am]


[Current Mood | amused]
[Current Music |Warren Zevon - Mr. Bad Example]

Okay, a really bad version of this was sitting on my HD for the longest time and so I asked Lisa if I could use this challenge to polish this rather than write it from scratch... (might've been better, in the longer run, if I had started from scratch... I think I retyped most of this during the hour. Ah well, live and learn eh?)

Anyway, here it be:

Description: The Initiative wasn’t original, or inventive – more like a sophisticated rerun of a past horror that was rationalized into something acceptable. But, isn’t that what they did too?

Disclaimer: Not mine…

Title: Initiative Intervention
By Marns AKA Bumpkin
Rated PG-13
(Wordcount: 845)

Link to the story in my IJ :)

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