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tumultus ooc

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[29 Jul 2013|01:02am]
Early Monday morning in an effort to help spread general cheer, Dedalus secretly set a bunch of lambs free in Diagon Alley. They were charmed different colours or sparkly or both. There are at least a dozen of them.

They're not real lambs though, just transfigured from random things he's had around his house. They pretty much walk around and baa and that's it, but Dedalus figures that's all lambs really do anyway. A Finite Incantatum will send them back to whatever object they were in the first place. At least a couple of these things have his name on them / can be traced back to him, though this is something he did not really think about. He just wants people to be cheerful and happy, okay?

This is absolutely free to backfire on him somehow. Or people can just cheer up because lambs! Lambs are lovely!

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