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tumultus ooc

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[17 Jul 2013|10:33am]

Sometime this afternoon Caradoc, um, stunned Marlene and tossed her in the dumpster behind the pub in Diagon she was "taken" from the other night (because Marlene was like "if we're going to go for this, we're going for it.") and she stumbled into the pub there looking like hell and probably with a banana hanging off her head because the image amuses me. She would've asked for them to contact her brothers, but the bartender would've had her taken to St Mungo's right away because this whole thing felt like a lawsuit waiting to happen (and then St Mungo's would've contacted the DMLE/Frank to let them know they'd found her, and they would've contacted her family.)

Storywise, she was out drinking and ended up getting knocked out/taken when she was leaving. She has really deep rope burns from struggling on her wrists and ankles and was bound up "on a bed or a table or something", and would've been really bruised up and had evidence of cruciatus and dark magic damage (aka stuff that the Order isn't supposed to know/only Death Eaters would :X). She also never saw their faces, but overheard them talking yesterday like "she's really pissed off" "what do we do?" "I don't know, let's just dump her somewhere" which is why the "Death Eaters" were playing up the whole drunk-in-the-gutter story.

UM. Yes. I think that's it. If anyone has questions definitely let me know!

[ viewing | July 17th, 2013 ]
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