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[26 Jun 2013|09:10am]
Hello all! Kat here with my third. This is Augustus Rookwood, also known as Gus.

- Gus is an Unspeakable in the DoM and works primarily in the Hall of Prophecy. Divination fascinates him. He even took it at NEWT level and got an O. Mind you, most things fascinate him and he never really grew out of that 'why' stage most kids go through.
- Gus is a halfblood but is secretly very purist. His family is only one generation away from being pure, as in his daughter was officially a pureblood. Only those among the Death Eaters would know about his true politics. In general, he comes across as a very affable, amiable sort of man who is very interested in people. He's very friendly across all spectrum. All the better to fool you!
- He secretly loathes and despises Muggles and Muggleborns with a passion. His wife and daughter, both of whom he loved enormously, were killed by a drunk Muggle driver, while in a car with a Muggleborn friend of his wife. His wife's Muggleborn friend survived, the drunk Muggle survived. his wife and daughter did not. He holds a grudge about that. (Needless to say, his wife did not share his politics and he'd kept a secret from her while he figured out how to handle the whole situation.)
- Ministry workers might remember that he was terribly devastated by his wife and daughter's death and was all terribly sad and miserable for several months before recovering. He killed a few Muggles in that time. It made him feel better.

You can find more about him here and I am all up for plots.

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