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[06 Jun 2013|10:25am]
My sweet players, hello! I'm Ariel, defying my responsibilities as a wage earning employee of middling import to bring you and intro (strategically hidden behind an Excel spreadsheet, oho!). At any rate (!!) I am new to the game and am having trouble keeping my workplace poker face for all the excitement, therefore will use excessive punctuation and emoticons for catharsis

!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 :D :D :D !!!!!!! :D :D <3 <3 <2

Right. So. Decaf. Meet Miss Sinistra Lowe,

➤ slytherin class of '72 where her extracurriculars included detention for insulting a professor's penmanship or casually flinging the word 'mudblood' around like skittles at a party
➤ one older brother (Slytherin. 32. International Magical Office of Law.) and one younger (Slytherin. 25. Independent Curse Breaker.); bosses them both around
➤ author on topics of pureblood supremacy, purist leaning politics, and anti-muggle history
➤ likes muggles like she likes her coffee. she doesn't like coffee
➤ has a limp (slight on good days, atrocious on bad ones) from being hit by a car when she was a child
➤ appears heavily on talk shows and political debates on the WWN where they like to throw her at some poor unsuspecting muggle enthusiast and let her verbally peel the skin off them--known informally as Trial by Lowe.
➤ history buff u gais. worked in a museum archive, pre-celebrity
➤ then she went off to Novosibirsk and you know how it is in Novosibirsk -- purist minded academia forums, secret societies, Stalin. that sort of thing
➤ was briefly married to her silver fox of a writing mentor before he died
➤ pretty damn smiley for someone who disagrees with 96% of the population (do not check those statistics, I made them up)
➤ very polite, even when she's being very rude
➤ is totally open for family relations--she's got Lowe's on her father's side, Greengrasses on her mother's side, her husband was an Urquart
➤ but in seriousness, give me all things!

[06 Jun 2013|10:36am]
Hi guys, this is Jillian with Dorcas Meadowes! I am absolutely determined to make MWPP work for me this time, and I'm super excited to be here. I keep hearing great things about it. :) Dorcas's profile is here, but:
* She's 23, a muggleborn and an Order member (Comms and Research, and Defense).
* She works as a lawyer for a non-profit organization that advocates for Muggleborns and half-breeds. Previously she was trained in criminal defense.
* 1967 - '74 Hufflepuff and Head Girl.
* She's on the more serious and hard-working side. She's assertive when it comes to defending herself and other Muggleborns, so she probably won't be bffs with any purists.
She could use a roommate if anyone, particularly order members, are looking for one. Otherwise: friends? people from her year/house or might otherwise know her?

Also, I could use a quick rundown of important things I should know, particularly order-related. :)

[06 Jun 2013|02:07pm]
HELLO HI, IT'S RUTH AGAIN. this is my fourth, because I have no self control apparently! This is Jemima MacDougal, whose profile is here but it's pretty long so I'll try to keep it short! (I won't though, I know myself.)

- Jemima is 23, a reporter at the Daily Prophet, ex-Slytherin and takes her job Very Seriously. She wants to be Lois Lane, if she knew who that was. At school in her final two years she started a school newspaper and tried bossing people about to get them to write stories and now she makes herself a bit of a nuisance. People probably would know her from asking questions, popping up when you don't want reporter types there and harassing DMLE peeps for details.
- She's a MacDougal, now, and that's her married name!! She has a baby girl, Morag, who is nearly eight months and Jemima love love loves her. Before she was married her surname was Meliflua SOOOO she's a pureblood, whose mama is known for trying to legalise hunting Muggles THIS IS LOADS OF FUN. Jemima thought it was kind of dumb and spent Hogwarts asking questions and rebelling against her family (but not too much, SHE'S NOT MOLLY WEASLEY/ANRDOMEDA TONKS/SIRIUS BLACK). Nonetheless! She was super into this halfblood, Rob MacDougal, and she ended up getting pregnant and marrying him. It was a big scandal, people weren't happy about it and her mum hexed Rob in public WHICH PEOPLE WOULD KNOW. Jemima pretty much ignores a lot of purist-y things nowadays. She's not been disowned or anything but she is Frowned Upon and Oh, Such Wasted Potential -- mostly it's okay because Rob is a halfblood, she has older siblings and the MacDougal's are a neutral family.
- now that those big things are kind of out of the way: Jemima is out for number one. She's selfish and self-centred and really really bossy. She doesn't care for Death Eaters or for the Order of the Phoenix, and gets to hide behind her 'I'm a neutral reporter' badge. She takes care of people she loves, though.
- Her mama is kind of fierce and brash and Jemima definitely inherited that! She's quite loud and she likes people to listen to her when she talks. She's fairly arrogant, although she's been working on that and there's nothing like being told you're a disappointment and living on a farm to deal with that.
- She might be a stubborn pain in the ass, but she's really really free with compliments. You should tell people nice things about them! She probably tells people things like WOW, YOUR HAIR LOOKS GREAT TODAY!! or I HAVE NEVER SEEN NICER SHOES, WOW allll the time. She will try and woo you with nice words, but her wooing is kind of weird. She's talkative and she's social and she likes people a lot. She's ambitious and she wants great things for herself (and probably other people too, as long as it doesn't conflict with her own wishes).

idk what else to put here SO YEAH. throw things at me!

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