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[29 May 2013|08:48am]
Hello everyone! I'm Kat and I'm new to the game. I'm looking forward to playing with you all. I'm bringing in everyone's favourite(?) societal menace, Fenrir Greyback.

Fenrir is, as I'm sure you all know, a werewolf. He was a '58 Slytherin and would have been the henchman type for any of the more prominent Slytherins of that time. While he's not exactly what you'd call smart, he is pretty cunning and sly. He wouldn't have evaded the Ministry forces so effectively for so long if he was stupid and, yes, he will gleefully rub that continued evasion in the faces of anyone from the Ministry. Naturally he's had a few close calls, especially when he was younger, but he's a canny old wolf these days. (That's not to say that close calls can't still happen... plot!!! :D)

He is an ally of the Death Eaters, not an actual Death Eater, so he doesn't have the Mark... and frankly wouldn't accept it even if it was offered. He is not a pet and is owned by no one, thank you very much. He feels very superior to all witches and wizards, regardless of blood status, because he is a werewolf so obviously he is better than them. He is also violent, crass, crude and sneers at prissy people who don't like the sight of blood. He also doesn't like werewolves who don't revel in what they are. He is essentially the Deaths Eaters' attack dog and he enjoys it.

So... you can find out all about him here and give me all your plots/friends/enemies/people he can eat.

[29 May 2013|08:07pm]
Hello, party people. APOLOGIES FOR THIS BEING SLIGHTLY LATE I fell asleep at an utterly unacceptable hour last night. Anyway, I am Meg, and I know a whole bunch of you. I am bringing you Remus Lupin, resident werewolf and sad panda.

I assume that you all know what Remus is like, since we've all read the books here. Twenty year old Remus is a little bit more awkward and quiet than grown up Remus, but in a lot of ways he's basically the same. You can read about him here.

Important things to know: he's an Order member (full time!) and basically since he has nothing better to do, he is pretty much your odd job man. He lives in a tiny little cottage that looks quaint on the outside but has unreliable running water on the inside. I presume that the Order knows about his furry little problem, but the general populace does not.

ANYWAY, I need friends and to know where he stands with people and whatnot! My contact info's on the mod journal! I have to upload icons now! I don't know why I'm using so many exclamation points! WHOO.

[ viewing | May 29th, 2013 ]
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