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[22 May 2013|01:00pm]
What's up guys! This is Holly posting with my two new characters. Yes Two! One was on a whim.

This is Snape. He's pretty much Snape, bitter, cold, sarcastic, malicious, distant. Yeah. He hates one James and Lily Potter with a passion and is right now happily playing Death Eater stalwart until it becomes clear what the Dark Lord's plans are for Lily. I am really looking forward to playing him, I haven't played Snape since before DH came out so there's loads of stuff I'm looking forward to. He's pretty introverted, but he's very skilled and a very talented wizard and potioneer. He does what he's told and gets shit done, and he doesn't have much patience for well pretty much everyone.

I am also adding Bertha Jorkins ([info]dimbo). She works in the Ministry of Magic Department of Accidents and Catastrophes but she's been on the rounds of the Ministry IYKWIM. She's not very bright, careless, kind of an idiot, forgetful, nosy, gossipy, well meaning, often bitter and nasty and resentful, ditzy, and sexually promiscuous with a series of FAILED relationships. When she falls she falls hard and fast but then she gets over it almost immediately. She has an older brother up for play! And would love to see Ludo just saying...

She needs friends/coworkers that love her (she brings in goodies ALL THE TIME - lemon cake, raspberry bars, etc), coworkers that hate her (she loses files, forgets things, and messes up a LOT - her last department threw her a going away party - AFTER SHE LEFT - because they were so happy to see her gone). She also needs exes! Of all sorts and on all kinds of terms.

I am very excited! SO plot with me with both of my new babies! I can't wait to see how Severus fits into the DE's, especially. <3

Intro! [22 May 2013|01:00pm]
Hi all! This is Eronn, and I am super-duper excited to introduce you to Caroline Rosier, Evan's older sister and resident girl-your-mother-warned-you-about!

Caroline is 23, former Ravenclaw. Back at Hogwarts she was a huge nerd who spent more time in the library than in her own Common Room. Now, however, she's almost a completely different person. She colors her hair blonde (yeah, that's so not her natural color), dresses provocatively, flirts with all the boys and has a ~reputation~ that her parents are none too pleased about. She also acts like she's not too bright, which is not at all the case. It's all just part of her rather elaborate effort to keep herself from being forced into marriage.

She currently works at the Daily Prophet as their Astrologist, where she makes shit up every day and reads books in her office (she totally flirted with her boss to get that office) when she's supposed to be "interpreting the celestial objects" or some such nonsense. She still attends pureblood functions with her family, but is definitely not marriage material for the boys.

Feel free to have your male pureblood characters claim to have slept with her (even though they haven't) or snogged her (they haven't done that either!).

So yes, give me friends, colleagues, plots, etc.! I am so excited to play her!

[22 May 2013|02:01pm]
Hi y'all! Bree with my number 4! This is Harlan McKinnon, the middle of the McKinnon 5.

He lives in a yurt. Pmuch the best yurt ever.

Harlan was a Ravenclaw and is an inventor in the Department of Ministries and he's 24ish/25ish years old because I screwed up his school years and need to decide whether to change his birthday or his age. Still working on that. Sorry. But you get the picture!

He loves inventing things. Weapony, wardy things for the Ministry and speed brooms for Quidditch teams to make money on the sides. He's also a pamphleteer (Think Thomas Paine and Common Sense) and obsessed with population studies, namely that having so purebloods at top, but largely in charge is going to screw everyone over in the end because they've set up a system that is unsustainable.

He thinks purism is stupid but he's very much a live your life and do what you want kind of guy, so he doesn't usually call people out for being purists in a rude way so much as send them a pamphlet later. Though when he's high he might, and he's high a lot.

Sorry this is kind of a crappy intro but I've had kind of a crappy day. I'd love to comment and plot and all that jazz! <3 Love to all!

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