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tumultus ooc

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[04 Apr 2013|07:30pm]
Hi all. So this is Sarah (2) and I bring Augusta Longbottom. She is brash and likes to know everyone's business and takes to bragging about her wonderful, incredible, virile, handsome son Frank all the time. She used to curate art at a wizarding gallery but has retired and put her focus on serving on the St. Mungo's board among other charitable endeavors. I'm really excited to give her a shot, so we'll see how it goes!

[04 Apr 2013|07:58pm]
Just wanted to post briefly and apologize for my recent not-being-around-ness.  Long story short, I've had stupid family drama (spoilers: they suck), and a woman from my chorus died unexpectedly on Sunday (and we had to sing at her funeral yesterday).  Real life is lame, and I've missed you all.

I know I owe a breaking and entering thread with Alice & Emme & Roderick, but if there is anything else major that Alice, Arthur, or Mary ought to know about, feel free to poke me in the right direction.

Also, a heads up that next weekend I have a huge chorus competition next weekend, and my mother is coming into town, which means that from Friday-Sunday (12-14 April) I will probably not be around much, as I try not to have a panic attack on stage and also try not to drown my brother in the Ohio River.  (Wish me luck.)

Here, have some cat gifs to make up for the fact that I'm such a failboat. )

[ viewing | April 4th, 2013 ]
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