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tumultus ooc

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[31 Mar 2013|09:47pm]
Hello! I'm back and trying to catch up. Just to summarize what my characters have been up to this week:

Noella - Was at the seaside with the family. She did not bring her journal and spent it blissfully ignorant of most things outside what was in the papers/what Nolan told her. She's back today.

Fabian - Spent the week first helping put out fires etc in Hogsmeade the night after his date with Greta. He then spent time helping Molly/Arthur fix the Burrow and also visiting Gideon in the hospital and going with Emme to her father's funeral. Today he was up BRIGHT and early. And was the easter bunny for the kids at the Burrow. He didn't tell anyone but when the kids woke up this morning they would have found a note he left where Bill could find it and out in the garden were a good two dozen colored eggs hidden all over the place, some regular eggs, some chocolate, etc. Happy Easter kiddos!

Ganymede - Spent Tuesday night getting his Death Eater on in Hogsmeade. Sorry I didn't get a chance to get the log done but my car died and things were crazy. This week he's been on the DL. IDK he hasn't been doing much lately. If anyone has plot for him let me know.

AND if anyone has anywhere they need me to jump in or that I should pay attention to then direct me!

[ viewing | March 31st, 2013 ]
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