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[17 Feb 2013|01:37pm]
Hi everyone! This is Holly, I know some of you and I feel I suck at intros but whatever here you go.

This is Fabian Prewett, he's an Order member, the younger brother of Molly and Gideon. He and Gideon probably get confused at times by people that don't know them well as they look slightly similar and were born only 11 months apart, but they are completely different in personality. He went to Hogwarts from 64-71 and was in Gryffindor, where he was fairly outspoken against the Purist background he was brought up in. I'm sure lots of people probably see him as a failure and possibly as a drunkard, as he has few ambitions and has bounced from job to job. He now runs a handy man business that is mostly an excuse for him to do Order work and make the occasional Galleon, his main income comes from being a part time bartender at the Three Broomsticks, where he keeps an eye on things and an ear to the ground for gossip and goings on. Still, he is your go to guy when your toilet isn't working, when your roof is falling in, when you have a doxy infestation, or you need your locks changed out (winks) so if anyone needs him has used him for that please ask. He may have helped get rid of Madam Puddifoot's infestation this past week! He lives in a ramshackle flat in Hogsmeade and is on the recon and offensive teams for the Order. He's something of a ladies man, and likes to go listen to Quidditch, hang out at pubs, and visit his adorable nephews when he isn't keeping an eye on things for the Order and hanging out with his older brother and partner in crime. He still has his finger on the pulse of Purist society, but he's definitely the black sheep of the Prewett brothers although I think he's possibly considered a harmless loud mouth, which is a role he tries to play up as much as possible. Obviously he isn't motivated enough to get involved with something like the Order. Right??

SO, he needs friends, exes, colleagues, enemies, and etc etc. Please hit me up!

[17 Feb 2013|02:21pm]
HI FRIENDS. I am Sarah ([info]museum) and I'm a mid-twenties graduate student about three months from completing her MA in Museum Studies so sometimes I have to disappear to read ridiculous books about George Washington, Primatology, or fire codes and sprinkler systems so I can preserve the world's culture one artifact at a time. And I vacuum mold off of old navy uniforms part time. BUT I AM LESS INTERESTING THAN THIS KID:

I bring you Gideon Prewett, the golden Prewett child. Order member extraordinaire who's basically most useful because he's still got his ties to Purist society by not alienating his parents and generally still being respectful. He's an Unspeakable, rocking out down in the time chamber and doing brilliant things as one does in such places. He's very patient, polite, more reserved than Fabian, and super strategic. He's not so much a stick in the mud though as much as he just knows the merits of not pissing people off so he can get what he wants/needs. People are useful if you're nice to them.

He was Ravenclaw class of 71', played some quidditch (beater), joined some clubs as you do. He's got some pretty strong 'screw you, purists' feelings, but you'd never know it unless you were in the Order. He's super on the DL about his involvement in that. He's super close with his siblings, so I'm sure there are some that might raise a few eyebrows at him because of that, but he's just trying to be a good influence on them, don't you know?

I am more excited to be here than I can possibly elaborate, and I want all your plots. Friends, enemies, exes, purists to socialize with, etc etc etc. All the plots! Gid is here because I probably didn't explain myself terribly well. Intros are hard.

[17 Feb 2013|08:37pm]
Hi all! Not to do introduction overload, but I am too excited about Nolan to keep him out any longer! This is Bree, and I have Nolan Gibbon for you. His face is the face of every girl's boyfriend - Adam Scott. And since I have a thing for lists, here we go!

1. Nolan is a healer in Spell Damage, and he'll be a Senior Healer soon hopefully. He's 30 and he's just about put in the time it takes.

2. Nolan doesn't particularly want to be a Death Eater, but he's pretty damn sure they're going to win the war so much like fighting the Borg, resistance seemed futile. At the time he already had a wife, and two kids to keep safe as well, so when Rodolphus and Bellatrix showed up at his door, he was resigned to his fate.

3. He's in the Outer Circle and he has no problem healing any one for any reason. As long as he's not asked about it directly by someone in the Inner Circle he definitely isn't going to rat anyone out. Nolan makes friends because friends don't usually try to kill you.

4. Nolan's main usefulness aside from killing is in not helping people live who come into his care at the hospital. Basically it would work like this. Joe Schmoe, the annoying Auror comes in. You message him and say, hey can you make sure Joe Schmoe dies?, and then he does. Nolan is extremely good at making it look like he's trying everything, and even better at filling out the paperwork saying he gave a person a certain potion when he might have grabbed another.

5. Apart from the whole Death Eater thing, Nolan is a genuinely decent guy. He didn't really fit in with the other pure Slytherins in school because his family hadn't been rich in a few generations. Both his parents worked (*gasp*) and it just seemed easier to stick with the Ravenclaws instead. But since he joined the Death Eaters he's definitely tried to make friends with the Outer Circle. Not so much publicly, but definitely behind the scenes.

So friends? Enemies? Frenemies? If you work at the hospital, or visit very often, Nolan has probably bought you a coffee (you wouldn't ever arrest someone who bought you coffee, right?) or told you a joke, or tried to make friends!

[ viewing | February 17th, 2013 ]
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