The Tudors Muse Prompts

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The Tudors Muse Prompts


January 2nd, 2010

Set B.1

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You have stepped through a simple doorway in Whitehall, same as any other day, but something is obviously different. Banners reflect celebration and the court is rejoicing, speaking of the birth of Henry, the very healthy newborn son of King Henry VIII and his Queen, Katherine of Aragon. Your memories tell you of the King's divorce of Katherine so he can marry Anne Boleyn. What goes through your mind?

I was thoroughly looking forward to spending time with my husband that day, until everything in my entire world fell apart.

It was a nightmare, but not one of my own making. There was no other explanation for it. The banners, the celebratory cheers, the huge feast… and worst of all, the smile on Katherine’s face as she held a child in her arms for a moment before it was taken from her for safe keeping elsewhere.

“What is going on?” My throat felt constricted as I whispered the words to Charles Brandon, a man who never liked me but would tell me the truth nonetheless. He looked puzzled as he turned and nodded to me. “Why Lady Boleyn, surely you jest. I know you are new to the service of Her Majesty, our Queen, but as one of her Ladies-in-Waiting it is your duty to care for her as she recovers from the birth of her son.”

I cannot live without my love. I cannot die without my soul. )

Muse: Anne Boleyn
Fandom: “The Tudors” (AU)
Word Count: 550
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December 14th, 2009

Prompts- Set B

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History Changes and Alternate Realities:

How would most of the same characters deal with things had some events turned out differently? What if they were thrust into a reality where the things they remember never happened? This is just one set of prompts that will allow you to explore that.

1. You have stepped through a simple doorway in Whitehall, same as any other day, but something is obviously different. Banners reflect celebration and the court is rejoicing, speaking of the birth of Henry, the very healthy newborn son of King Henry VIII and his Queen, Catherine of Aragorn. Your memories tell you of the King's divorce of Katherine so he can marry Anne Boleyn. What goes through your mind?

2. Anne of Cleves comes to Whitehall to marry the King. However, unlike the events that occurred in history, Henry became quite enamored with Anne and she with him. Their marriage is consumated and Henry's second son is born. French and Spanish assassins steal the life of the King's beloved Queen. How do you feel about these events and what do you think will happen?

3. Choosing to respect the sanctity of his vows, Henry VIII does not divorce Catherine of Aragon. He instills Henry Fitzroy, his illegitmate son, into the line of succession as Heir Apparent. Fitzroy ascends to the throne after his father was injured in a jousting match against Sir Henry Norris. How is the court adjusting to the new king?

4. Arthur did not die unexpectedly and Henry dedicated his life to the church. How are things different under Arthur's rule?

August 21st, 2009

A.4 - The future of England

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A.1 - Word spreads throughout the kingdom and the world that with the death of Henry VII, his son, Henry VIII, has now ascended to the throne with Katherine of Aragon at his side. What hopes or fears do you now have for the future of England?

"Heavenly Father," I had prayed, "I beseech you to give me the strength and the wisdom as befits a good and true King of England."

A boy's prayer )


Henry Tudor
'The Tudors' (AU)

A.4 You've recently come to Whitehall to attend Court...first impression?

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A.4 You've recently come to Whitehall to attend Court. What are your first impressions and where do you go from here?

It was all Father's idea.

I was to be a Lady-in-Waiting to Katherine of Aragon after my sister, Mary, had "failed" to sway our King away from his wife and from Cardinal Wolsey. Still, I had not expected to find what I did when I arrived.

My schooling abroad set me apart from most other women at Court, as did the manner in which I dressed. Most people I had the opportunity to speak with informed me that had they not known better, they would have sworn I was a true Frenchwoman.

I took that as quite the compliment.

Everything was as lavish as I had expected, but my début as "Perseverance", along with the Princess Margaret in the masque for His Majesty, was what truly will stand out in my memories. That was the moment I met His Majesty and we danced together.

Read more... )

Muse: Anne Boleyn
Fandom: The Tudors (AU)
Word Count: 305
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August 20th, 2009

Prompts- Set A

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There will be no real rhyme or reason to the prompts, just as they come to me. And please remember, you can have them respond from any point in time. So someone who is "played" during Henry VIII's actual reign could still choose a prompt from one of his daughter's periods or his father's.

1) Word spreads throughout the kingdom and the world that with the death of Henry VII, his son, Henry VIII, has now ascended to the throne with Katherine of Aragon at his side. What hopes or fears do you now have for the future of England?

2) What are your opinions on the King's Great Matter?

3) Rumors have begun to circulate, as Queen Mary I takes her throne, that she intends to execute any and all who follow the Protestant faith and return England to it's Catholic roots. As a practicing Protestant, do you embrace death and your faith or do you bend to your Queen's will in hopes of survival?

4) You've recently come to Whitehall to attend Court. What are your first impressions and where do you go from here?
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