The Sentinel Sanctuary - December 20th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Sentinel Sanctuary

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December 20th, 2007

Fic Letting the Chips Fall Where They May [Dec. 20th, 2007|05:37 pm]

Title: Letting the Chips Fall Where They May
Author: [info]mostcrazylady
Category: Gen
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: My version of TSbyBS

Chips )
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We few, we happy few! [Dec. 20th, 2007|11:14 pm]


[mood | hopeful]

Hi guys

I wanted to thank you for taking a chance on this little community and welcome you with open arms.

Now seeing as there are so few of us at the moment I was hoping you guys could help me out and maybe get some momentum going on the com. If you're a writer please post an old story or better yet a new one, *well you can't blame a girl for trying*g*. If writings not your thing, give us some recs or maybe tell us which of the episodes of the show is your favorite and why. Throw out some plot bunnies or challenges, or simply introduce yourself and let us get to know you. 

I truly believe that everyone has something to contribute here, so come on, don't be shy!
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Fic: While the cat's away... [Dec. 20th, 2007|11:40 pm]


[Tags|, , ]
[mood | hot]

This was originally posted on the LJ community, Sentinel_Thursday in response to the prompt: Guilty Pleasures.

Title: While the cat's away...
Author: </a></a>[info]nicky69
Category:</strong> Gen
Rating: G
Word Count: 581
Warnings: None
Author notes: This was my first foray into the world of Jim and Blair, written about two months ago. Betaed by the lovely, </a></strong></a>[info]elmyraemilie . Any mistakes that you find are my own.

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