Trust No 1 - March 9th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Everything X Files

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March 9th, 2008

X-Files fandom history [Mar. 9th, 2008|12:38 pm]
The X-Files article on Fan History has had a major overhaul. The fan fiction information has been split off and put into an article of its own. With this overhaul, it should be a lot easier to understand what was going on. :) If anyone could help improve the article, massive YAY! One section that could use some work is the X-Files fandom on InsaneJournal part. I think it is right but it feels like it makes the InsaneJournal community seem much bigger than it actually is. The kerfluffles/fandom fighting section needs some major work. I know that there were some huge ship fights that were really vicious but not enough to document, comment on it or write it up. Help with that would also be much appreciated. :)
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