trippingtherift ; threads & ic communication. - August 22nd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 22nd, 2011

[Aug. 22nd, 2011 | 03:52 pm]


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Who: EoT Tenth Doctor, open
What: The Doctor is still missing his TARDIS, and has come back to Cardiff to find a way to reach her without having to return to a timeline in which he's fated to die.
When: Any time
Where: Cardiff
Rating: E for everyone!
Status: Open

The Doctor was becoming tired of having to use public transportation. )
Link9 | CMNT

[Aug. 22nd, 2011 | 10:17 pm]


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Who: Alice and Ianto [info]iantojones.
What: Alice finds herself back in Cardiff.
When: August 22, 2011.
Where: The Plass.
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete.

It had happened again and she couldn't believe it. One minute she was in London, the next she was in Cardiff. )
Link21 | CMNT

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