December 12th, 2016



journal - wardrobe!

Oh my goodness, I didn't know what to write!! I got probably what many people would refer to as 'far too many clothes'. I kind of went nuts, and just kept picking things and there were so many styles and so much of it was cute, and there were things in my size and it was wonderful!

I'm not a clothes horse by nature, I'll admit, but it was pretty fun, choosing what I'll be wearing throughout the competition. This is the sort of task I can roll with!

I tried to pick out things that were 'me', but I went for different climates, just in case. I picked out the cutest, warmest looking coat, and okay, maybe my bias is toward cold weather. I'm from Canada so I know all about the cold! Not so much about the heat, so hopefully the sun dresses I put in there help out with that. >.>

I can't wait to wear some of this stuff!




for Corbi and Hudson






It's day 3 and the contestants have started to settle in. The house still has empty rooms though and it's clear that more contestants may arrive at any time.

There is no announcement over breakfast today, but at around 11am, when most of the contestants have gathered around the pool, there is an announcement that can be heard throughout the house.

Good morning contestants, we hope you slept well.

To win in the Trials, you will need to be strong and you will need to be able to work with others, know when to stick to your guns and when to compromise. That is today's test.

We would like each of you to post to your journal on a controversial topic. It can be anything you like, but you must take a position. Anyone posting with a neutral stance will be deemed to have failed this test.

The second part of this challenge is to oppose the views of at least two of your fellow contestants.

We want to see you debate, ladies and gentleman. Take your positions, defend them. Reason and logic are your weapons.

contestants | FAQs | dropbox

Today's tag: #E1:D3, #journal

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