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[Oct. 11th, 2009|06:38 pm]
Just a little note here, because the post is way down the page: Bellatrix has discreetly slipped some Veritaserum into the punch, because she's like that. So feel free to take the opportunity to have your character(s) have some fun with not being able to lie ...

... about anything.
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Note on the Dance [Oct. 10th, 2009|10:36 pm]
[mood |working]

Hey all,

Just a quick note to clarify about the dance-- everything happening in the Great Hall should be on the main dance thread. If you want to start a thread before hand leading up to it please feel free to do so, but also make an appearance at the dance! ;)

Thanks everyone,
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[Oct. 10th, 2009|05:38 pm]
[mood |busy]

Hey all,

I'm sorry I've been a little remiss lately, but I've had some personal stuff going on. It seems to have calmed down so hopefully I'll be around more this week.

Anyway, I'm going to be post the scene for the dance a bit later tonight and then feel free to jump in and do as you will. I don't have anything solid planned for the dance so it's up to you to make your own plot and action on this one.

Comments, Questions or concerns? Give me a jingle.
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Looking rather desperately for plot [Oct. 10th, 2009|12:22 am]
Harry is looking hard for plot - if anyone at all is interested in a plot, thread, whatever, please IM me on MSN at teganscrush. I cannot have AIM because it has a really adverse effect on how my laptop runs.

At this point, I don't even care if you want to AK him, as long as he has a good death scene.

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APOLOGIZE [Oct. 6th, 2009|12:41 pm]
Hey everyone. I'm going to have to apologize for my lack of focus on this game. I shouldn't have joined it without expecting it to pick up quickly. I will be more active, don't worry. I expect now that we have more Slytherins and characters in general, some major plotting will be going on.

Again, sorry, and my activity should be greater in the future!

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[Oct. 5th, 2009|07:08 pm]
Hey guys, things have finally started to settle down over here. I'm gonna do my best to get the Twins and Lisa up and running. And as far as James, Kacey I have some ideas so I will talk to you soon about him. As for now just consider him MIA. ;-)

Oh and I changed my screen name due to weird ass people. It is no longer FadingIn2Brite it is now Mrs Isaacs1017


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scene situation. [Oct. 5th, 2009|05:00 pm]
quick update for the people who the scenes have tailed off:

for sirius and severus: want to pick up the day after, or elsewhere, both avoiding the topic of being chummy? i think (because of me, and i do apologize) that board has died a bit. >.>;

for oliver and sirius: that reply is coming up.

for students of gryffindor: don't make sirius hit you. >:D aka neville. <3

with all that said: i, aleey, do not need knee surgery! life is getting better! the one down-side is i can go back to work now, which means my life will be getting a bit more hectic. but it should be fine. (: thanks to everyone who's been patient thus far!
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[Oct. 5th, 2009|05:35 pm]
Oh hai people. My name is Kat, and as you probably figured out from the fact that I'm making an introduction post, I just joined. :3 This is my first time playing anyone from HP universe in a community, so I'm feeling slightly nervous. Okay, quite nervous. Be nice to me? :3

Anyway. Enough rambling.

I'm playing Marcus Flint, who is still mean and hateful and arrogant and ready to fight, but has gotten somehow prettier since the school (aka during one year - magic happens xD). He is chaser of Falmouth Falcons, but I thought he would still be in contact with Slytherins, so I'd be really thankful if you guys were willing to discuss the plot and stuff a little, just now, at the beginning? I'd feel much less... scared. :3

My AIM is shadow n rhyme and my MSN is niela_xxx@hotmail.com. I'm online quite a lot.

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Friends Update [Oct. 4th, 2009|12:31 am]
[mood |hot]

Friends Button

Please update your friends list again, we've gained a Hermione Granger.
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Friends Update [Oct. 3rd, 2009|01:03 am]

Friends Button

Please update your friends list again, we've lost our Lucius Malfoy.
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Lame Kacey is lame [Oct. 2nd, 2009|11:01 pm]

I forgot to add a post about how I've decided to edit things a little and Sirius Black is the Gryffindor Head of House, so if you Gryffindors need anything that means you need to go harass Aleey. ;)

Also, I'm making a Hogsmeade post tomorrow afternoon for those interested. If you're around feel free to join in-- good times to be had by all.

Thanks everyone,
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Friends Update [Oct. 1st, 2009|11:43 am]
[mood |blah]

Friends Button

Please update your friends list again, we've lost our Lucius Malfoy.
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[Sep. 30th, 2009|09:24 pm]
Hey guys, So heres a little bit of an update. My uncle is not doing well at all, and the whole family decided that it was time to say good bye. So we are taking him off of life support tommorow. I'm guessing the funeral will be sometime on Saturday. And so I should be back to normal after that. And able to post and what not. Once again I'm sorry for being away, espicially with the game just starting again. But I ask that you please just bare with me for a couple more days. Thanks

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A Modly Little Note from the Co... [Sep. 30th, 2009|07:31 pm]
Hi guys!

I'm really glad to see that a lot of you are obviously talking together and plotting or jumping into open threads and that's fantastic! I encourage literally everyone to plot with EVERYONE because as this is AU-centric, pretty much anything can happen and hopefully will!

I would encourage the players representing Slytherins to plot together and be as active as possible; all Houses need to be represented, and Slytherin will play a big part in upcoming plots so please, talk together, get some threads going, be mean and nasty the way you know you can! Trash the Quidditch game, play some pranks, declare an all out war on snotty Lions, cannoodle with Hufflepuffs and horrify your parents, look for ancient horcruxes...mix it up!

And please remember, everyone is friendly and be as accessible as you can! If there are issues, player or rl, contact Kacey or me and we'll do all we can to make this a great experience for you!
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Reminders [Sep. 30th, 2009|03:24 pm]
[mood |cold]

Hey Everyone,

I'm putting my mod hat back on (sadly) and giving a few reminders:

-I'm sending Candi on activity checks soon, be afraid. If you don't get an e-mail from her, you're in the clear.
-If you can be around for Hogsmeade Weekend this weekend, I strongly suggest it.
-It seems like there's generally interest in the dance, I'll get things worked IC soon.
-DEATH EATERS, I has plot for you. Get a hold of me if you're interested.

I think that's it, but stay tuned. I might think of more things ;)

Have a good day all,
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quick note: [Sep. 30th, 2009|01:21 pm]
dear MODs and fellow players:

recently i was in a car accident (about a month ago), but they just discovered all of the problems that are still causing my knees issues. i've been in and out of MRIs, and in and out of getting things done for my knee; thankfully i don't need surgery! *throws confetti* also, i'm okay, so i just need another few more weeks of therapy, and then i'll be back to work.

WITH THAT ALL SAID. (: if anyone wants to plot some stuff with Sirius, or if some stuff wants to happen, we can arrange. ALSO: sorry to Moony and Severus, for having completely bailed at the tail ends of our boards; let me know if you want to pick up elsewhere <3.

sincerely, aleey. ;)
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[Sep. 30th, 2009|02:39 am]

Hi. My name is Amber aka the late night lurker. I'm pretty awesome and I live in Florida. I'm bringing you the ever Gryffindoric Charlie Weasley. He is stubborn, reckless, sarcastic and flirty. If there is a bad guy he'll fight them, if there is a skirt he'll chase it. He's loyal to a fault and thinks he's a lot more bad ass than he really is.

He's been in Romania since graduation pretty much (Gryffindor alumni 1991) doing his thing at the dragon reserve. Though due to some arguments and a teeny tiny accident, Charlie has been removed from his position at the big reserve in Romania to the less exciting and much smaller one in Wales. He hasn't told anyone about it (in fact, he just plans on showing up in England and yelling 'Surprise!' at everyone he runs into. If anyone asks it was a willing transfer back to Wales because they needed the most help. Yuuuuup.

So that's him, and I take payments in the form of affection and plots. Additionally I can be reached at both notyouraverage25 and Nobodiesangel1@yahoo.com for both of those!
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Modly Intro Post of Lameness [Sep. 29th, 2009|11:33 pm]
[mood |dorky]

So everyone does Intro post things and I figured I should do one to prove that I'm not totally unapproachable, ask around-- I can be nice sometimes ;)

Anyway, I'm Kacey the Mod. I play Lily Potter, Mandy Brocklehurst, Charity Burbage and Narcissa Malfoy. I also play the Dark Lord, but that's more of an NPC thing. I like to brag I'm the only Mod in the Harry Potter world that isn't an English Major, and when not trying to survive my senior year of college or roleplaying I'm into Showtunes and Musical Theater, and have a huge crush on Alan Rickman :P

I'm online nearly constantly, though not always at the computer, so if I don't answer right away don't be offended-- I'll get back to you when I can! Feel free to drop me a line if you have a question or just want to chat. My AIM is Littlelotte006, and I love to plot.

Now, onto game related things:
I has an idea )

Alright, I'm going to pretend to be productive now.

Have a goodnight, all!
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Friends Update [Sep. 29th, 2009|10:51 pm]
[mood |hot]

Friends Button

Please update your friends list again, we've gained a Charlie Weasley :)
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Friends Update [Sep. 29th, 2009|02:24 pm]
[mood |hot]

Friends Button

Please update your friends list, we've gained a Hestia Jones :)
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