Time of Trial: OOC - October 26th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 26th, 2009

[Oct. 26th, 2009|06:16 pm]
Hey ya'll,

Just so you know, I haven't actually disappeared. We're sick here. Some one my mother rents a room to has Swine flu... and since my sister was here last weekend, we've all been sick on and off. I don't believe we have it, but its slow in passing. So I'm resting and relaxing and trying to beat this thing. This is going to be a slightly busy week for me while I'm not laying around trying to over come this. So I don't think I'll be on much this week. If I'm not better by next week, I think I'm heading to the Dr. So, here's to hoping I'm over it soon. If not, I'll be back next week some time. *air hugs* I'll check back in a few days. =o)
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