Time of Trial: OOC - October 5th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 5th, 2009

scene situation. [Oct. 5th, 2009|05:00 pm]
quick update for the people who the scenes have tailed off:

for sirius and severus: want to pick up the day after, or elsewhere, both avoiding the topic of being chummy? i think (because of me, and i do apologize) that board has died a bit. >.>;

for oliver and sirius: that reply is coming up.

for students of gryffindor: don't make sirius hit you. >:D aka neville. <3

with all that said: i, aleey, do not need knee surgery! life is getting better! the one down-side is i can go back to work now, which means my life will be getting a bit more hectic. but it should be fine. (: thanks to everyone who's been patient thus far!
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[Oct. 5th, 2009|05:35 pm]
Oh hai people. My name is Kat, and as you probably figured out from the fact that I'm making an introduction post, I just joined. :3 This is my first time playing anyone from HP universe in a community, so I'm feeling slightly nervous. Okay, quite nervous. Be nice to me? :3

Anyway. Enough rambling.

I'm playing Marcus Flint, who is still mean and hateful and arrogant and ready to fight, but has gotten somehow prettier since the school (aka during one year - magic happens xD). He is chaser of Falmouth Falcons, but I thought he would still be in contact with Slytherins, so I'd be really thankful if you guys were willing to discuss the plot and stuff a little, just now, at the beginning? I'd feel much less... scared. :3

My AIM is shadow n rhyme and my MSN is niela_xxx@hotmail.com. I'm online quite a lot.

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[Oct. 5th, 2009|07:08 pm]
Hey guys, things have finally started to settle down over here. I'm gonna do my best to get the Twins and Lisa up and running. And as far as James, Kacey I have some ideas so I will talk to you soon about him. As for now just consider him MIA. ;-)

Oh and I changed my screen name due to weird ass people. It is no longer FadingIn2Brite it is now Mrs Isaacs1017


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