Time of Trial: OOC - September 25th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 25th, 2009

Hullo!!! [Sep. 25th, 2009|01:14 am]
Hi all, I'm Candi and I play the ever-dorkish Harry Potter, the conniving and bitchy (but not yet insane) Bellatrix, and kindly, "why I'm just a doddering old man" Dumbledore.

I also help our lovely mod, Kacey out occasionally with little things like activity checks (yes, that will be me emailing you if need be) and looking over apps and brainstorming story. For that she graces me with the title of Co-Mod. It's strictly honorary. :P

I haven't managed to get up all the information for Harry, Bella or DD yet, but will soon - in short, Harry is your typical clueless teen (having not been tried by fire - yet) who has grown up in a loving home and been doted on by parents and godfather. (Right, Sirius???) He hates to study, prefers to fly, and is terrible with women, although Mandy B. seems to find him charming.

Bella is a nasty piece of work - she's rude, demeaning, bossy and is not above sleeping with whomever she needs to or wants to. She likes to think she controls Rod, but he has other ideas, apparently. Her one true love is Tom Riddle and he still controls her life.

And Dumbledore, well - we all know about him. My portrayal deviates from canon only in small details...his fondness for thongs (both kinds) and a distressing tendency to wear a pink ribbon on his beard. And maybe, when the robes are particularly voluminous, he MIGHT wear heels.

Louboutin, of course, cause as Kingsley Shacklebolt so memorably noted, "The man has style."

I look forward to playing with you all - feel free to hit my pets up for plot anytime. You can find me as teganscrush on both AIM and MSN.
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Qudditch [Sep. 25th, 2009|02:10 pm]
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Hello all,

I've decided I'm going to try something new for Qudditch this time. Under the cut, you will find a poll that I'll leave up for forty-eight hours. The two options are the two teams playing, and feel free to vote as much as you want. Don't feel inclined to vote as your character, just whatever you feel like at the time :)

This is just a trial run for me, something new and interesting. I'll see how it works before I make a final decision on whether or not the change will be permanent.

The Poll )

The week change will be happening this Sunday, which will put us back on track. Sunday in real life is Sunday in game time. This week is a little longer because the game opened on a Friday.

Also, I've only got a few more characters I'm advertising for (Hermione and Ginny, mostly) but I'm welcome to input. Is there anyone you'd like to see me advertise for? Feel free to leave a comment below and I'll add them to the list.

Comments, Questions or Concerns? Give me a jingle.
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