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[31 Dec 2016|02:46pm]
Am I the only one whose noticed how catty everyone in this school seems to have gotten lately? What happened to the days of transparency and being able to put your name on your own opinions?

I propose we get back to that by opening up the floor to some honest feedback.

Start a thread for yourself on here, and see what everyone really thinks of you. I was thinking we could point out a few flaws and a few faults that we see in one another, but, hey, if you're feeling particularly savage, by all means...
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[31 Dec 2016|10:35pm]
I don't know about you, but I'm having a really slow evening and I think we could perhaps all use a little bit of brain exercise. Or just, in some cases I won't point out by name, an excuse to procrastinate.

So here I propose a game of associations.

You say a word or phrase and others will respond with the first thing that comes to mind in association. Rinse, repeat. Bonus points if you learn something new about others. Questions and comments outside the game itself are allowed and encouraged.
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