TREAT YO SELF. - September 18th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
A Comm on Feeling Hella Boss.

You're so   filthy,
and I'm   gorgeous.

18th Sep. 2016

Chapped/dry lips help! [18th Sep. 2016 • 13:54]


So, kind of similar to the last post, but not exactly: how do you deal with/preferably avoid chapped lips?

My lips seem to be in a constant state of dryness/chapping, and it's hugely frustrating. I know it's not that I'm dehydrated (I drink more than the recommended amount of water every day going by half my body weight in ounces or whatever, and supposedly that can be bad for you too but that's a thing for another day I guess), but I do have the bad habit of occasionally licking or biting my lips, but I don't think I do it so often that it would make my lips constantly dry. Messing with my lips too much seems to make it worse (like if I'm trying on and removing different lipstick shades, the chapping gets visibly worse).

Regular old chapstick definitely doesn't work. I exfoliate my lips using Tarte's Maracuja Lip Exfoliant, which helps for awhile. I've tried other lip products like rosebud salve, baby lips, and various others that I can't remember, and right now I'm just using plain old Blistex medicated ointment. I have used stuff in the past that's made my lips tingly/irritated (First Aid Beauty's lip balm did that to me, for example).

So this is a super-long saga, but...what do you use that works? I am willing to try just about anything, especially with winter coming.
link20 • CMNT

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