TREAT YO SELF. - August 29th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
A Comm on Feeling Hella Boss.

You're so   filthy,
and I'm   gorgeous.

29th Aug. 2016

SEVERAL QUESTIONS [29th Aug. 2016 • 22:27]
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i need eyebrow help. where do i start?? i've never done much if anything with my eyebrows. mine are really sparse and shapeless. it's like the poor things have no sense of identity. how do you dress them up for daily wear without taking too long in the morning (ahaha)? what are nice eyebrow pencils you'd rec?

ALSO: do y'all have recs for a good rose gold lipstick/nail polish/eye shadow/anything else i can put on my face? or a coral? what are your faves. i really like these colors and want to incorporate them into my life more somehow.
link38 • CMNT

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