Thursday, July 23rd, 2015

Who: Transplants vs. Dragon
When: Thursday evening
Where: First District
What: There's a dragon taking over First District, perched on the item shop and terrorizing everyone
Warnings: Violence, burning, giant flying lizards, some language, but no one's naked

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Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

Who: Izzie Stevens & Nathan Petrelli
When: Tuesday night
Where: The roof of their building.
What: They've got things to discuss
Warnings: Maybe language? It should be low.
Status: Closed/Incomplete

And you can get what you want but it’s never enough )
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Saturday, February 7th, 2015

Who: Amy Pond, Izzie Stevens, and Loki Laufeyson of Asgard
What: He's been out cold (no pun intended) for a week and is unfortunately awake
Where: Hospital; 8th floor recovery
When: Saturday evening
Rating: Violence against interns who can't keep their dumb fucking mouths shut
Status: In progress

Wesker had to go and mention the Ragnarok )
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Sunday, January 4th, 2015

Who: Alan and Izzie
What: Showing Izz some different guns. Also, they should probably talk about what happened. Also drinking.
Where: Izzie and Mer's hotel room.
When: After this.
Warnings: Language maybe?

The mood it changes like the wind, hard to control when it begins )
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Wednesday, December 10th, 2014

Who: Mer, Izzie and whoever has special powers or injuries
What: Teaching the minions interns how to diagnose and treat the transplant population (basically if you want to be treated by Izzie and Meredith's team of minions, tag in and we'll send them in)
Where: The hospital
When: Backdated to whenever Izzie's last post about it was.
Warnings: Fake injuries and blood. Probably swearing. The interns and residents are idiots.

And I would have stayed up with you all night/Had I known how to save a life )
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Thursday, November 6th, 2014

Who: Izzie Stevens & Mr. Scratch
What: Tending "Alan's" wounds.
When: Right after this
Where: The Pit.
Rating: Oh. . .sure to be high.
Status: Complete

D' you breathe the name of your saviour in your hour of need )
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Friday, October 31st, 2014

Who: OPEN to Everyone!
When: Halloween Night
Where: Winterfell
What: It's the annual Halloween party - all creepy crawlies have taken the night off, so it's just a time to have some fun, get drunk, and do whatever transplants do. Have your own threads, do your own thing, etc. Respond to Cas if you want, but it's not imperative.
Warnings: W for Warnings for Language, violence, and potential sexual innuendo.
Status: Open

Happy Halloween, Fuckboys! )
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Tuesday, October 21st, 2014

Who: Izzie Stevens and Roy Mustang
What: Izzie feeds transplants. It's a thing.
Where: Izzie and Mer's apartment
When: Oh. . .backdated to sometime during the phone call debacle.
Rating: PG, maybe?
Status: It'll be done when it's done.

She was aware she had an illness )
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Who: Izzie Stevens and Nathan Petrelli
What: Izzie's learning to do something she hates
Where: Second District shooting range
When: Probably sometime after her ordeal
Rating: Low
Status: It'll be finished eventually

Because he feels useless enough, thanks )
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Sunday, September 7th, 2014

Who: Claire Bennet (attemptno6), Meredith Grey (darkntwisty) & Izzie Stevens (cricket_)
Where: Harmony adult “book store”
When: Friday night
What: Claire’s nineteen. It’s about time she had. . .certain instruments of her own.
Rating: Well, they’re in a sex shop. So high, I’d imagine.
Status: Finished.

“Where )
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Friday, July 4th, 2014

Who: Cas and OPEN to anyone who feels like getting piss drunk on the 4th
What: Drinking. No really - monsters take the night off on holidays, so Cas'll make you something nice and high-octane.
When: Friday night, 4th of July
Where: Winterfell
Warnings: No warnings for Cas, but I'll throw some in for other characters
Status: Open

Shit's getting lit on fire - it's a given )
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Sunday, June 29th, 2014

Who: Dinah, Anna, Meredith, Izzie, Fred (posting order?)
When: Thursday night
Where: Out and around the town
Rating: likely low
Warnings: Drinking and girl bonding
Summary: Girls' night out

Girls just wanna have fun. )
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Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

Who: Izzie Stevens and Loki Laufeyson
Where: One of the unoccupied rooms of the hospital
When: Day four of the outbreak
What: Loki suspects he's showing symptoms and despite its being impossible, he's not interested in waiting.
Warning: Creepy shit? Idk, it's T-Town, expect creepy shit
Status: Complete

Read more... )
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Monday, May 5th, 2014

Who: Izzie Stevens and Meredith Grey
Where: The E.R.
When: Backdated to the first day of the viral outbreak
What: Realizing there's a lot of people coming down with a nasty flu all of a sudden.
Warning: Vomit. Seriously, there's more than any normal human should have to deal with.
Status: Finished

Read more... )
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Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

Who: Izzie Stevens and Nathan Petrelli
When: Tuesday night
Where: Let's start at the hospital and assume they're going to Winterfell like any other night.
Rating: Low
Warnings: Not likely
Summary: He's apparently her person, so they talk. And usually when they talk, the honesty is real. That's a first for Nathan, so there's a lot they need to discuss.

Read more... )
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Tuesday, March 4th, 2014

Who: Izzie Stevens & Sam Winchester
When: Tuesday night.
Where: Winterfell
Rating: Oh, low.
Warnings: Unlikely.
Summary: Izzie hasn't actually met the latest version of Sam yet. This is changing.

Read more... )
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Sunday, February 9th, 2014

Who: Izzie Stevens & Meredith Grey
When: Late Monday night
Where: The hospital
Rating: Low
Warnings: Likely none, though Izzie's picked up some language over the years.
Summary: Preparing to defend the hospital against ghost ships.

Shadows in the rain )
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Saturday, February 1st, 2014

Who: Jo, OTA
When: Tonight
Where: Winterfell
Rating: Probably low or medium
Warnings: Drunken shenanigans?
Summary: Pretty much just Jo's first night at work. I'm open to multiple little mini-scenes (or extended scenes) so if you want your character to be there, throw them in there!

Until last call )
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