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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 60 most recent ones recorded in TPM Flashback's InsaneJournal:

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    Friday, December 3rd, 2004
    8:06 am
    Jedi Exiles, by Nimori

    Original poster: emmagrant01

    Title: Jedi Exiles
    Author: Nimori
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Eight Jedi padawans know a secret no one will believe.
    Pairings: Several, but most notedly Obi/Bruck
    Author Email: nimorii @
    Reason for recommending: A glorious series, with much promise, but unfortunately -- a WIP. Nimori has very occasionally added on bits and pieces, but I'm not terribly hopeful she'll finish this highly original and complex series. *sniff* It's a wonderful AU, a what-if story of a group of padawans who rebel against the Order and leave to fight the Dark side themselves. Nimori captures adolescent angst and uncertainly so wonderfully. Absolutely worth a read, even though it's unfinished.

    Quote from the story: )

    11:59 pm
    Need & Discovery by Gail Riordan

    Original poster: the_emu

    (No, I'm not on the current list of contributers, but Thalia left me a little back door so I could sneak in to finish my recs from, like, August.)

    Title: Need & Discovery
    Author: Gail Riordan
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Warnings: Read More - Possible Spoilers )
    Author contact stuff: [info]lferion,

    (Story was originally published in the zine Rituals and Meditations.

    Link to story: (2 parts!)

    Reasons for recommending:
    Now, I've never developed any sort of scientific, taxonymic method by which to compare, but I do believe this is the hottest Q/O fic ever written.

    At its most basic level, it's a plot that has been done by quite a few (wonderful) fics, but this one is on a whole 'nother level.

    Qui-Gon is fresh home from a mission in which he was (essentially) a sex slave, and he's having trouble dealing with the emotional impact of having his desires exposed. He has been brought to a point of almost quiet desperation: he pleasures himself, he penetrates himself with toys, but he can't find the physical or emotional stimulation he was 'trained' to need during the mission.

    Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is awakening to his own sexuality, and his sexuality is pointing in the obvious direction. He loves Qui-Gon, he desires him, he hurts for him, but he doesn't want to make things any more difficult than they already are. So, like a Jedi, like a man who has the maturity to deserve an adult relationship, Obi-Wan researches and plans and tenderly cares for Qui-Gon's concerns.

    There is no high drama, no tantrums, no crumbling self-esteem. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are tentative, vulnerable, but they're men and they're mature and they're thinkers, scholars, philosophers, everything that I think Jedi should be. Gail doesn't need to compromise any of that to create angst. The whole story yearns.

    Every writer has their strengths; Gail's are a shameless hedonism for language, a wonderful insight into characters in all their depth and nuance, and best of all, a thorough and perfect ability to hit all my kinks, every time.

    Quote from story: Qui-Gon, my Master, was half-lying on his side with his back mostly to the door... )

    Wednesday, December 1st, 2004
    8:52 pm
    Destiny's Journey by Mali Wane

    Original poster: obi_ki

    Title Destiny's Journey
    Author Mali Wane
    Rating NC17
    Pairing Q/O
    Summary On an undercover mission, Qui-Gon finds his destiny forever intertwined with that of a local boy.
    Warnings and Spoilers None

    Author's email, web site and LJ ID [info]maliwane
    Link to Story

    Reason for Recommending For me, there is just something really compelling about stories where one of the boys isn't a Jedi and they come together as a result of the external circumstances of a mission. As events occur, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are drawn together, creating a connection between them that ties them together in all ways. Add to that Mali's wonderful characterization of the boys and it makes this a story that is a pleasure to read, over and over.

    Quote from the story ...... )

    Tuesday, November 30th, 2004
    9:33 pm
    The Most Dangerous Game by Hilary & Ruth Gifford

    Original poster: saxony

    Title: The Most Dangerous Game
    Authors: Hilary and Ruth Gifford
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Summary: Sith Apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi wants to learn from the best, regardless of the cost.

    Read more... )

    Author's e-mail: and

    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending:

    I can't resist a good darkfic and there's definitely no sweetness and light here. What you do get is a compelling and erotic glimpse into a universe where the Sith are in control. We're shown not only the dangers and hate inherent in the Sith empire, but also the pleasures and powers that are derived from the dark side. Fear, pain, torture, sex - it's all here. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are familiar, but perfectly rendered/skewed as products of the Sith. Oh yeah, the sex may be Sithly but it's definitely hot. And Hilary and Ruth do leave you with a good chuckle over the last line to make up for all the disturbing imagery they put you through. :)

    Quote from story:
    NC-17 )

    Monday, November 29th, 2004
    8:13 am
    When You Touched Me, by Keelywolfe

    Original poster: hominysnark

    Title: When You Touched Me
    Author: Keelywolfe
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Summary: Obi-Wan learns not to be afraid of the dark.

    Warnings:  )

    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: [info]keelywolfe, keelywolfe @,

    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending: The first TPM story--heck, the first slash story--I ever read was one of Keelywolfe’s. I was instantly hooked on TPM, and became a lifelong Keelywolfe fan. This isn’t that story--it’s already been recced--but this is one that stayed with me for days after I read it.

    It explores the idea that beauty is dangerous for a Jedi, and what padawans might go through to prepare themselves for a worst-case scenario. The story focuses on Obi-Wan’s POV, but we learn more about Qui-Gon through his eyes--how a master must accept that a student is growing up, and how to prepare that student for any eventuality. And how Qui-Gon, true to form, follows his own instincts rather than the rules.

    Quote from story:  )

    Tuesday, November 9th, 2004
    1:23 pm
    Fifth Kata; Jinn's 12th Variation by Ruth Gifford

    Original poster: helens78

    Title: Fifth Kata; Jinn's 12th Variation
    Author: Ruth Gifford
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
    Warnings: ... )
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: [info]telesilla
    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending: Told from a strong Qui POV, this story chronicles a mission that takes place on Rillva, a planet devastated by a disease that spent several generations killing anyone past the age of thirty. As a result of this disease, Jedi padawans are the major diplomats responsible for relations between Rillva and the Republic, and when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are sent there on a mission, Obi-Wan is in charge. It's a new dynamic for Qui, and his reactions to it are fascinating. And then there's the way he reacts when one dynamic bleeds into a more personal one...

    Quote from story: ... )

    More: ... )

    Sunday, November 28th, 2004
    7:52 pm
    Redeeming Anakin, by AK

    Original poster: splix

    Title: Redeeming Anakin

    Author: AK

    Rating: NC-17

    Pairing: Anakin/Obi-Wan

    Warnings: Read More - Possible Spoilers )

    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id:

    Link to Story:

    Reason for Recommending: This fic hits about a dozen of my kinks, but the outstanding feature distinguishing it from other stories of the same type is the whisper-close immediacy of action and emotion. And the end, with its blending of resignation, pain, and faint hope, punches me in the gut every time.

    Quote from story: Obi-Wan walked towards him slowly... )

    Additional comments: behind cut. Spoilery. )

    Saturday, November 27th, 2004
    9:40 am
    Little 12-Inch Jedi by Raina

    Original poster: gaiaeagle

    Title: Little 12-Inch Jedi
    Author: Raina
    Rating: G
    Pairing: Q/ minitures...
    Summery: Little 12-inch Qui-Gon's journey to find his other half

    Author's email, web site, and LJ ID:, nutters inc, [info]raina_at

    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending: With Thanksgiving over here in the states, I'm starting to think about Christmas. With Christmas, toys are always a big part. From the plastic toys we give to kids, to the nice toys made in "Santa's Workshop", they all invoke the feeling of Christmas. This story was posted when I was still an active member of the M-A and I never forgot it. It is a heartwarming and indearing story about a 12-inch Qui on a lifelong search for his other half in a 12-inch Obi. I felt this would be a perfect story for people to read to help us get into the Christmas spirit.

    Quote from the story:
    Read more )

    Thursday, November 25th, 2004
    8:40 am
    Boots Remembered by Vermillion Flame

    Original poster: obi_ki

    Title Boots Remembered
    Author Vermillion Flame
    Rating NC 17
    Pairing Q/O with a touch of Ben/Bail
    Summary Ben Kenobi tells the story of his first-time with Qui-Gon, which was catalyzed by a certain pair of tall, leather boots. Bail Organa is his rapt audience.

    Warnings..... )

    Author's email, web site and LJ ID, [info]lionflame
    Link to story

    Reasons for recommending Stories of Clone War Era Obi-Wan looking back upon happier times are few and far between and 'Lion creates one that is compelling, sensual and a bit angsty all at the same time. Ben relays the story of how he and Qui-Gon became lovers with such love in his voice that you can almost sense him wrapping himself in the happy memory and being transported back to that happier time.

    Quote from the story .... )

    More This story was preceeded by two others, Boots and Boots2: What Happened Next which are in the MA archive and her site. Reading them would add to your enjoyment of this piece but are not necessary.

    Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004
    1:47 pm
    The Petition by Cynthia Martin

    Original poster: saxony

    Title: The Petition
    Author: Cynthia Martin
    Rating: G
    Pairing: Q/O Pre-slash
    Summary: An early skirmish over Qui-Gon's deep compliance issues.

    Warnings: None.

    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id:

    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending:

    Another Cynthia Martin rec for this week! I just found this story rather endearing. I like how it illustrates a major component of both Qui-Gon's and Obi-Wan's personality - stubbornness, or maybe tenacity is a kinder word given their motives. They have this in common, yet they are still very different, and it's fun to see how they interact when wills collide. I can definitely see them evolving into the Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan of TPM, etc.

    Quote from story:
    Read more... )

    Monday, November 22nd, 2004
    2:18 pm
    Open To Interpretation by RavenD

    Original poster: hominysnark

    Title: Open To Interpretation
    Author: RavenD
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Summary: Obi and Qui enjoy the bounties of nature. An interested party enjoys the bounty of Qui and Obi.

    Warnings: ... )

    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: [info]oldblackbird, ravendreams @
    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending: It’s rare to find a PWP that pays such attention to characterization and worldbuilding details. This story is told from the POV of an alien voyeur, and done so skillfully that the narrator’s “otherness” is quite clear without the author ever resorting to a long chunk of descriptive exposition--the details are woven into the story seamlessly. It’s a very short fic, but you get a sense of completeness from it, that this is merely a postcard from a fully-developed planet with a race and culture vastly different from our own. That’s what makes it stand out from other PWP’s--yes, the focus is mainly on the sex, but there’s so much detail deftly inserted that it’s much more satisfying.

    And oh dear god in heaven, the sex is hot, hot, hot.

    Quote from story: ... )

    Sunday, November 21st, 2004
    10:23 am
    The Book of Sins by Cynthia Martin

    Original poster: splix

    Hi everyone! It's great to be able to rec again. :D

    Title: The Book of Sins

    Author: Cynthia Martin

    Rating: R

    Pairing: Q/O, with Rogue!Xanatos

    Warnings: None.

    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: I seem to recall that she had a live journal, but I can't remember its handle. Any assistance appreciated.

    Link to Story: On M-A:

    Reason for Recommending: Just the thing for a bleak November day! This effervescent, witty fic features an adorably clueless but shrewd Qui-Gon, a somewhat naive but still sharp as a tack Obi-Wan, and a fantastic Xanatos you'd like to simultaneously snog and slap. Cynthia acknowledges a debt to P.G. Wodehouse, but you needn't know Wodehouse at all to enjoy the story (I'd never read him until I read Cyn's fic and became intrigued). I've read this piece many times and always find something new to enjoy.

    Cynthia is incredibly talented. Her work makes me fawn in admiration and seethe with jealousy. :D

    Quote from story: )

    Saturday, November 20th, 2004
    4:28 pm
    Bonds and Vows series by Susan Anthony

    Original poster: gaiaeagle

    My first rec!!! *bounces* Hope everyone likes it as much as I do.

    Title: "Bonds and Vows" series
    Author: Susan Anthony
    Rating: PG
    Pairing: Xanatos/Obi-wan preslash

    Summery: An unexpected encounter in the Temple leads the Jedi Order onto a different path.

    Author's e-mail and webpage: and

    Link to story:
    For The Best
    For the Worst
    In darkness
    In Light
    Death Dare Not Part

    Reason for recommending: This is one of my most favorite Xanatos/Obi series. When I first came into the TPM fandom, back in the summer of 2002, I found the first parts of this, and read them at least 3-4 times since. It starts out with a 4 year old Obi-Wan bumping into Padawan Xanatos, and an instant soul bond forms between them. Then the council finds out and they do the unthinkable, they break the bond. From there we are taken on a rollarcoster ride of hiding, deceptions, and a heart warming story of two masters that give up everything to see that Obi-Wan and Xanatos are brought back together as the Force intended. Beautifully well written in the way only Susan Anthony can do it.

    Read more... )

    Current Mood: bouncy

    Friday, November 19th, 2004
    10:06 am
    A Family Portrait, by FernWithy

    Original poster: emmagrant01

    Title: A Family Portrait

    Author: FernWithy ([info]fernwithy)

    Rating: PG

    Pairing: None, though lots of Obi/Siri UST and great Obi/Ani master-padawan dynamics

    Summary: Obi-Wan and Anakin, along with Siri Tachi, are assigned to impersonate a family to investigate a crime on the world of Malkiri, where the Jedi are hated.

    Author's Email: fernwithy @

    Link to Story:

    Reason for recommending: This is such an amazing fic! It's novel-length, essentially gen, and fits perfectly into the post-TPM Star Wars universe. I wanted this to be Obi/Siri so badly, but alas, it never goes there. The author does make the attraction between the characters clear, though, and the tension is glorious. It's set not long after the beginning of the Jedi Quest series, and the relationship between Obi-Wan and Anakin is still wonderfully awkward. Siri has just returned from her long undercover mission with the pirates, and she's struggling with being a Jedi again. The three of them most pose as a family for an undercover mission to a planet hostile to the Jedi. Obi-Wan and Siri have little understanding of what families are like, and so Anakin has to spend a good deal of time teaching them how to behave like a married couple, which is great fun to read. There is a mystery to be solved, lots of action, and a gorgeous amount of character development.

    In short, the characterizations are perfect, and the story is complex and satisfying. This one is canon, as far as I'm concerned. It's that good.

    Excerpt )

    9:12 am
    It's not what you say... by Barbana

    Original poster: karitawyr

    Title: It's not what you say...
    Author: Barbana
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Qui-Gon-Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Warnings: ... )
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: barbanaqoc @ or barbana @, Barbana Art (it's art not fiction, but lovely, lovely art. Go see!), [info]barbana
    Link to story: It's not what you say...

    Reasons for recommending: A recent discussion on the master-apprentice list about what's hot in vanilla sex brought this little gem to mind again. It hits many of the buttons people mentioned including both of mine.

    Quote from story: ... )

    More... )

    Wednesday, November 17th, 2004
    9:38 am
    Willing Vessels by Writestuff

    Original poster: obi_ki

    Title Willing Vessels
    Author Writestuff
    Rating NC17
    Pairing Q/O
    Warnings Warnings )

    Authors email
    link to story

    Reasons for Recommending So often we see Qui-Gon caring for Obi-Wan after he suffers from some trauma or degredation and it's a wonderful twist to see the tables turned and Obi-Wan becoming the caregiver. Lee writes both boyz with such wonderful depth and strong sense of who they are and where their duties lie, than even in their private moments the Jedi beneath shines through. This story occus about midway through the Warriors Heart series. Although there are things referenced that occur in prior parts, the story can be enjoyed as a stand alone.

    Quote from the story... )

    Current Mood: accomplished

    Tuesday, November 16th, 2004
    11:58 pm
    The Club by Trudy West

    Original poster: saxony

    Title: The Club (The Script)
    Author: Trudy West
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O, O/Other
    Warnings: Warnings )

    Author's e-mail:
    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending:

    During a sabbatical, Qui-Gon procures the services of a host (I'm sure you can guess who) at a discreet and exclusive club. Obviously this is AU. I like the way the concept of identity is explored here - how innate qualities and perceptions of self and others play out in unusual circumstances. No histrionic, simpering Obi-Wan here. Both men are strong and interesting with a believable rapport. The mood is very restrained and understated; even the sex - kinky or otherwise. But it's good. :) It's written in screenplay style, which may be off-putting to some. Give it a chance. It gives it a voyeuristic quality and a sense of immediacy that works well.

    Quote from story:
    ... )

    8:40 pm
    Bear the Consequences by Yvette

    Original poster: karitawyr

    Title: Bear the Consequences
    Author: Yvette
    Rating: PG
    Pairing: Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi, mentions of Qui/Other and Obi/Other.
    Warnings: ... )
    Author's e-mail: yvette @ If anyone has any more recent contact info please comment.
    Link to story: Bear the Consequences
    Reasons for recommending: This story (and the others in the series) pops up from time to time on fic searches, and I always remember it fondly. The series is sort of an angst primer, anything that can go wrong to keep the boys apart will go wrong up until the very end.

    Yvette also created some engaging original characters that you want to root for, except for one whom you would glady smack silly. Overall, this series is a worthwhile way to spend a few hours wallowing in the boys' misery.

    Quote from story:... )
    And the rest: ... )

    Monday, November 15th, 2004
    9:39 pm
    "Cold" by Hilary

    Original poster: raina_at

    My last rec! I can't believe this is over, and my rec pile isn't that much smaller. Means I'll have to volunteer again, I guess.

    So, here goes. I'll leave you with one last mood piece.

    Title: Cold
    Author: Hilary
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Warnings: none
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id:, [info]padawanhilary
    Link to story: Cold

    Reasons for recommending: This story is part of a series of post-Knighting PWPs, and though they're all good, and I recommend to read all of them, this one stuck with me. It's gorgeous, and it's - in accordance with what almost passes as a theme for my recs - a wonderful mood piece. I adore the atmosphere, the language, the descriptions, the relationship, the delicately outlined differences between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. I'm a long-standing fan of Hilary's work, and this is one of the prime examples why I think she's one of the outstanding writers in the fandom, because every word she writes in this just rings true.

    Quote from story: Quote )

    Saturday, November 13th, 2004
    9:24 am
    Carnival of Light by Rose

    Original poster: elayna88

    Title: Carnival of Light
    Author: Rose
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Warnings: None
    Author's e-mail:
    Author's web site:
    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending: One of the earliest PWPs I read, and still one of my favorites. This fic was written before the Jedi Apprentice novels were ingrained as the background for Qui and Obi, so develops a different history between them, one where Qui became Obi's master when Obi was an adult, which is one of the reasons I love the characterizations in this PWP. It's refreshing to re-read a fic where Obi's hesitation comes from his sense of propriety rather than the sense of rejection and unworthiness in the JA universe. But mostly I love this fic because the yearning felt by both men is so darned *sweet* and the sex is as romantic as it is hot.

    Quote from story: something worth having is worth chasing…: )

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