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Wednesday, September 22nd, 2004

    Time Event
    In My End Is My Beginning by Lilith Sedai

    Original poster: batagur

    It was brought to my attention that my first rec had already been recc'd. Therefore I feel obligated to give you a fresh one.

    :::Looks around to see if this one has been done before:::

    My second offering for reality check Wednesdays:

    In My End Is My Beginning

    Author: Lilith Sedai
    Pairing: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
    Category: AU, extreme angst, first-time
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings and Spoilers )

    Authors webpage is inactive right now (At least for TPM. Bill the pony's Bill's Paddock is still active for LOTR)
    Author's LJ [info]cara_chapel

    Link to the story:

    Reason for recommending:
    Here is a reality check story with a twist! We start with reality then we step into the uncharted waters of "what if?" What if Obi-Wan had a chance to change things. Could he? Would the consequences be good? All of us in 'denial-land' would like to believe the answer to that is a resounding 'yes!' But don't be fooled. This story probes the reality of our emotions and choices and the consequences. It gives us a chance to actually fear the worst. There be heavy angst here!

    Quote from the story )


    Loquacity  )

    :::Looks embarrassed::: Thanks, [info]splix! :)

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