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Wednesday, September 8th, 2004

    Time Event
    Nocturnal Admissions, by Rose

    Original poster: siubhan

    There's not a lot of Maul/Obi fic out there that I really like. That's probably why I spent so much time writing it myself. Here's one from the Sith Academy that works nicely, albeit in the paradigm of the SA universe.

    Title: Nocturnal Admissions
    Author: Rose
    Rating: PG-13/NC-17 (your choice)
    Pairing: M/O
    Author's email:
    Author's Website: The Collected Stories of Rose Ferguson
    Author's LJ: [info]windrose
    Link to story: The Sith Academy (enter and scroll - choose PG-13 or NC-17 depending on your age and/or interest)

    Reasons for recommending: I wanted to get some Maul/Obi-Wan lovin' in here, and I think this one is readable without knowing too much about the Sith Academy. Rose is good at both the lovely and the edgy, never mind the smutty. And for those not in the know, My Apprentice is Maul's cat, and she has him wrapped around her little claw.

    Quote from the story: Read more... )

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