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Saturday, August 28th, 2004

    Time Event
    A Light To Guide You by Nix (formerly Krychick)

    Original poster: capra_maritimus

    Title: A Light To Guide You
    Author: Nix (formerly Krychick)
    Rating: NC-17, more or less
    Pairing: Q/O (AR)
    Warnings: Not really.
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id:
    Link to story: (author's site: Obsidian Quills)

    Reasons for recommending:

    I admit it. I went through a phase where I read every 'soul/force/whatever bond' fic I could find. Good, bad, indifferent, it didn't matter. I read them all. This is one of the ones that actually stuck with me.

    I think I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I like my Jedi acting as Jedi. Here we have Jedi sparring and preparing for missions. (Yippee!) Here we have Jedi actually going on missions. Here we have meditation and 'theological' discussion. Here we have hot Jedi fuc-- ahem. Well, okay, so Mr. Lucas never included that last bit. :D That all of this was intertwined with what is a basic first time/bonding fic made me verreh, verreh happy.

    Quote from story:
    'Mace,' he asked, 'who is the young man who sits alone among all those knights?' )

    More discussion: Read more... )

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