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Monday, July 26th, 2004

    Time Event
    shift change!

    Original poster: darththalia

    I've just updated the membership settings so the new group of reccers can post--let me know if you have any trouble--and I've taken away posting access from those in the first group who have posted all eight recs. By my count, we're still waiting on 1 from [info]glasshouseslive (and it's a good one!), 3 from [info]the_emu, and 6 (*cough*) from [info]darthfox

    I've been very lax about replying to comments, so let me just say "You're welcome" to everyone who's thanked me for setting up this community. I'm really glad people are having so much fun with it, and I think it's worked out great.

    And a huge thank you to the first group of reccers--[info]ausmac, [info]darthfox, [info]glasshouseslive, [info]gloriana, [info]mrshamill, [info]splix and [info]the_emu. When I first broached the subject of this community, I was afraid there wouldn't be much interest, and I'm very grateful for your support and enthusiasm. You all got [info]tpm_flashback off to a great start.

    Round two starts tomorrow (here's the schedule, in case anyone forgot), and I can't wait to see what the next group comes up with. I'll be recruiting for round three in about six weeks, so if you're interested, keep your eyes peeled then.

    Current Mood: excited

    Bad Seed, by Kirby Crow

    Original poster: glasshouseslive

    Hello campers! This is my last "Gloom, Despair, and Agony on Me" recommendation - I hope you are as glum after reading it as I was. It's been fun! *waves*

    Title: Bad Seed
    Author: Kirby Crow
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Summary: Obi-Wan deals very badly with being replaced by Anakin. Please read the warnings.
    Warnings )
    Author's e-mail:
    LJ id: [info]kirbycrow.
    Link to the story:

    Reasons for recommending: No redemption here, folks. Actions taken under the influence of evil twist desire into cruelty. After the act, Qui-Gon both desires Obi-Wan and wants to be free of him because of his guilt. Obi-Wan's body reacts even as he experiences fear and pain, and he himself became adept at self-deception and deceipt.

    What's left, after everything good has been destroyed? Only the truth, finally, and it certainly doesn't set anyone free.

    Quote from the story )

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