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Saturday, July 17th, 2004

    Time Event
    Again by Trinity

    Original poster: mrshamill

    Ha! You thought my being at Constrict would mean my rec was late!

    Title: Again
    Author: Trinity

    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Warnings: If any, here: )

    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: The only email I have for her is, but I don't think she's still there (but I could be wrong). She used to be hosted at slashcity, but I don't think she is any more. Anyone have any ideas?

    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending: I think every fandom has this particular plot in it somewhere (and, of course, I can't tell you what it is because it would spoil it massively). But Trinity did a particularly good rendition of it, one that I have no problem recommending. It is not a long fic, but it is quite satisfying.

    Quote from story: Master, I have something to tell you. )

    Current Mood: happy

    Lost Jedi by Augusta Pembrooke

    Original poster: the_emu

    (Yes, Thalia, Laura guilt-tripped me. Nyah.)

    Title: Lost Jedi
    Author: Augusta Pembrooke
    Rating: PG-13
    Pairing: Q/O, Q/Curt
    Warnings: Read More - Possible Spoilers )
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id:
    Link to story:
    Reasons for recommending:
    In the search for Obi-Wan clones, Qui-Gon has ended up in Curt Wild's 1984. The story begins with Curt Wild levitating an array of very Curt-like objects: cigarettes and wine. It's this surreal but somehow believable mix of trashy Curt world and spiritual Jedi world that makes Augusta's story so fascinating.

    Of course, Qui-Gon is in love with Obi-Wan, and Curt is in love with Qui-Gon. It's heart-wrenching to be in the shoes of the Other, and with our nice solid one-pairing-fandom it's rare that an author can leave the reader split between wanting Q/O and Q/other (or O/other). Augusta manages it in spectacular style. Curt's yearning for Qui-Gon hurts. So does Qui-Gon's compassion for Curt.

    This is another one to throw in the 'Damn, I wish she'd written the sequel she was planning,' pile. But it stands beautifully on its own.

    Quote from story: I turned to look at the master... )

    The Gift, by Fionnabair

    Original poster: glasshouseslive

    Hello campers, TGIF! Your "Gloom, Despair, and Agony on Me" recommendation....

    Err, Actually, I'm taking a brief break from deathfics. A couple of reasons. Many of my favorite 'buy-the-farm' fics are post-May, 2001, and I'm trying to stay within the first 2 years of the existence of the archive. It's not a rule or anything, just something I'm trying to do. And as diverse and delightful as the collection of early deathfic is, I've been putting aside other excellent stories. Not to worry, I'm not losing my touch - my week 8 recommendation will be as bleak as it gets.

    [P.S. I love this format - I could rec all year. *hugs [info]darththalia.* When I've tried to put together a list of recs for M-A, I can't seem to start, but I can manage to rec one story a week.

    Title: The Gift
    Author: Fionnabair
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Summary: A nomad is offered an unusual gift at a banquet concluding a successful trade.
    Warnings )

    Author's e-mail: (I don't know if this is still good)
    Website: None that I know of
    LJ id: [info]darthfi
    Link to the story:
    Short follow up story here:

    Reasons for recommending: I have a soft spot for AU stories, and usually give them leeway in characterization that I wouldn't give a piece set in the GFFA. But I can see Movie!Qui-Gon right away, and after a time, ConfidentKickAss!Obi as well. Fi's descriptions of the tribe and their way of life, contrasted with evil city-dwellers Palpatine and Maul are very well crafted. She gives life to the mostly cardboard Council members from TPM, and creates an appealing OC as well. And it's angsty. Goes without saying :-)

    Quote from the story )

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