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Wednesday, June 9th, 2004

    Time Event
    Vermillion and Gold by Pumpkin

    Original poster: splix

    Title: Vermillion and Gold

    Author: Pumpkin

    Rating: R.

    Pairing: Q/O.

    Warnings: None.

    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: I'm not certain what her correct email is any longer. Her LJ handle is [info]squashed.

    Link to Story:

    Reason for Recommending: It was difficult for me to narrow all my favorite Pumpkin stories to one; she's such a talented writer. This elegant little story takes my breath away every time I read it. It's an AU in which the Jedi serve the galaxy as usual, but when not in active service are, let's say, held in reserve. It's a more 'sci-fi' tale than I normally read, but the language is so crisp and vivid, and the hint of emotion beneath its shining surface leaves me alternately pensive and restlessly excited.


    Quote from story: The page escorted him down a long corridor... )

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