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[19 Mar 2012|11:47am]
So I just applied Abby to the community and am hoping to have some sls, because they are complete and utter love! ^_^ Abby is the adoptive daughter of May Song. When she was a baby her mother (an employee for May at the time) left May to babysit Abby... and just never returned. The Song's took her in and raised Abby as their own child. In fact, Abby had no idea she was adopted till she started grade school and people began to tell her how much she didn't fit in! That being said even though the situation was unconventional, she had a traditional Korean childhood in many ways. Korean being her first language and English second in many ways.

Abby was an exceptionally gifted kid. Though her English and humanities marks were dismal, her math and science skills were years beyond her age. At 16 she was the recipient of the 2004 'MacArthur Genius Grant' and accepted into MIT for a Mathematical Computer Sciences degree. However, Abby cracked under the pressure her first year. No longer the big fish in a little pond she was a guppy in a vast ocean. Her confidence was shattered and she locked herself in her dorm room and played video games the entire year. Making small independent platform games and trying not to dive head first into anxiety and depression. Failing her first year, she moved back home to R.I. With the help of her mother, she dug herself out of the basement and self pity and enrolled in Brown University, to work towards a career as a video game designer, since it had really been her passion, not being a 'math genius' for her entire life. She is currently in her last year of studies (Dbl Maj. Computer Sciences & Visual Arts), with a year co-op left before graduation.

Abby is a tomboy, incredibly geeky and just a super cheerful person. She is pretty easy to be around! I am up for any and all sorts of sl's!
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[19 Mar 2012|04:13pm]
I know he's vastly older than, well, pretty much all of your characters but I figured I'd put my feelers out for lines for this guy anyway. This is Jonathan Lockwood, a 40 year old sculptor and ex-graphic designer who currently owns The Nerd Herd. (I know there are some staff members around, so I'd love to plot with you guys.) Jonathan is a sarcastic guy who always has a quick retort and a sharp witticism. He's single, decidedly not gay, and a gym bunny. He lives platonically with [info]abeau and is generally a closed book, although he opens up eventually if you get to know him. He's not a mean guy, though - he's just not the best person out there. Sorry for the brevity, but would anyone like to plot lines? So far he is friends of old with [info]natlawrence and best friends with [info]abeau, but that's about all I have, so if you want to, let's brainstorm!
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[19 Mar 2012|08:25pm]
I figured I may have more luck here than in ~pbads, so would you guys like an Adam Levine around or is there another male face you'd rather see?
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[19 Mar 2012|08:58pm]
I'm thinking of applying this girl (I just put a hold on her). She's originally from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I haven't decided yet her DOB/age, but I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in some lines maybe? I'm down for most anything!! Please let me know. I'm in the midst of fixing her history portion of her biography. It's currently pending the end story due to where I decide on where I would like to place her. THROW SOME LINES AT ME, Y'ALL!! :)
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