June 20th, 2008

[info]annwayland in [info]toujoursliberer

Subject: The first part of Slater's plan
Who: Ann Wayland
Where: Ann's new Tavern
Warnings: None as yet - possible violence
Open to: Jimmy Slater

it was just like the old times )

[info]abandonne in [info]toujoursliberer

Subject: Helene has heard of a maid position by word of mouth, and happily goes to inquire about it!
Where: At the Laurent Residence.
Who: Helene Marie Byron, and Aime and Antoine Laurent.
Warnings: So far, so good.
Open to: Aime and Antoine Laurent. (Unsure if anyone else lives there, or..?)

Knock, knock )

[info]missella in [info]toujoursliberer

Ella Wexley: letter to Patience

Item: A letter to Patience Hurst at the Hurst townhouse in London.
Warnings: none
Open to: Patience Hurst

a small favour to ask )

[info]missella in [info]toujoursliberer

Ella Wexley: note left for Daphne

Item: A note slipped under Daphne's door sometime before dawn.
Warnings: none
Open to: Daphne, John and anyone else who might be at the Wexley home

do not think ill of me )

[info]missella in [info]toujoursliberer

Ella Wexley: a trip to London

Subject: Ella gets distracted by a wardrobe malfunction while on a mission to find Robert Lovering.
Where: A park in London
Who: Ella Wexley
Warnings: none yet, except Ella being improper
Open to: Anyone Ella hasn't interacted with yet and/or "Mr. Brinsley"

it was time to take matters into her own hands )

[info]vivianthorpe in [info]toujoursliberer

Subject: A private moment.
Who: Vivian Thorpe.
Where: Viv's rooms at the Theatre.
Warnings: None.
Open to: Nell Abbot.

An impossible situation. )

[info]daphnelovering in [info]toujoursliberer

Letters and Engagements

Subject: Ella's disappeared and Daphne is engaged.
Where: Wexley's family home.
Who: Daphne Wexley and an appearance by the note Ella Wexley left her.
Warnings: TBC
Open to: Daniel Perkins and Johnny Wexley

stealing the lime-light )

[info]ex_madcap220 in [info]toujoursliberer

Subject: Restless
Where: The Bridge Theatre--just outside
Who: Piper
Warnings: None Right Now
Open to: Helene and Mary

He felt the need to get a bit of fresh air, and with no one in sight to stop him, he headed through the the theatre and lobby, stepping outside. )

[info]robinsings in [info]toujoursliberer

Romeo, Romeo..!

Subject: Rehearsing begins.
Who: Robin
Where: The Bridge Theatre
Warnings: none as yet
Open to: Nell Abbot

tis but thy name that is my enemy )

[info]prettypoppet in [info]toujoursliberer

Yet Another Reunion!

Subject: When sisters meet
Where: The Avery
Who: Mary, Ann
Warnings: PG-13ish
Open to: Ann Wayland

[info]ex_bedsidema97 in [info]toujoursliberer

Subject: Doctor, Doctor - give me the news
Who: Daniel Perkins and Katherine Rochester
Where: Dan's surgery
Warnings: none
Closed Thread

(Daniel was not busy, nor was he feeling quite up to his best)

October 2008



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