November 2008

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July 19th, 2008

[info]temporalvanity in [info]toujours_ooc

Out to save the world

Hello all! I'm Sheri and will be adding to your population with the character Claire Harwood. Claire is 24, English, the daughter of the Duke of Somerset, and she may be just a little naïve.

She is convinced whole-heartedly that there is good in everyone and with enough patience and effort even the worst of people can be helped. That ideal could stem from her mother's religious fanaticism - though she's quite the hypocrite, unlike Claire who is determined to be a do-gooder. She's not the preachy sort but tries to keep on a straight and narrow path.

No one's had the good fortune to corrupt her in all her years because she's generally always accompanied by an attendant and closely monitored by overbearing parents and a brother though she does think some sneaking about is necessary if she's going to rid the world of evil one person at a time.

Really, she's a sweet girl, clever in most conversations, but has been swayed on rare occasion (much to her horror) into gossip circles in an attempt to fit in with her own age group and social situation.

Feel free to try to ruin her charming view of the world. It'd also be very nice to have a girl near her own age as her two-faced friend.
Plots and things are more than welcome!