November 2008

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May 22nd, 2008

[info]madelene_ambers in [info]toujours_ooc

I'm going to Vegas to get married, so I probably won't be around as much as I usually am this weekend. I'm hoping to be able to get online some, I just won't be living at my computer all day like normally.

So, if I take a while to reply to any threads I have, that's why!

And I think that's all I have to say for now.

Take care!

[info]ladylizzie in [info]toujours_ooc

hey guys, sorry about my lack of playing ness, a lot of stuff has happened these past days, and then we also need to take into account the fact that i am utterly lazy. although i must say it is a triumph for me on sunday i watched no only jane eyre [which was 4+ hours] but north and south [which is another 4+ hours]! cause i needed that fuzzy warm sort of feeling that only girly loveydovy movies can give you. :] eitherway! i'm going camping this weekend which means i'll be out of commission after 2 on friday until mid-day-afternoon sunday, but i wanted to ask anyone if they wanted to plot with Elizabeth here. i would muchly appreciate any form of interaction.

<3 ashley

[info]widow_newbury in [info]toujours_ooc

I hate boys.

Change of plans. I'm not going to Vegas, we both changed our minds. Oh, well.

So, I'm here. And willing to plot. I'm really in the mood to break things, so a scene with Edith would be really appreciated!


[info]la_jacobine in [info]toujours_ooc

Disappearance and Disappearing

Sorry I haven't been around lately.  Last weekend I moved across the country, so I've been recovering and unpacking, and for the next week I am off on vacation.  Hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things once I've returned.  Looking forward to RPing again!

My AIM sn is DreamOutLoud87.

[info]iconographer in [info]toujours_ooc

Toujours Libérer Love Fest Meme!

We've had a lot of you tell us how much you like a certain thread, or a certain character quirk, or a certain pairing. It's great to hear that you love these aspects of the game, but we think it would be fantastic to share the love around, and let people know how awesome you think their thread/character/pairing/etc. is!

So comment here, (either signed-in or anonymously if you want to keep your adoration secret!) with the five things you love the most, game related. Share the love!

[info]lord_eward in [info]toujours_ooc

Hi hi you lovely people!
Basically just a head's up about this weekend -

I'm supposed to be going to my best friend's 21st birthday weekend bash which is taking place all around the midlands at his various 'pads'. As of now, I'm only going for Saturday afternoon as I'm not very well but this could change (with a little friendly pressure of said boy) to make me stay until Monday which means no internet for the whole weekend.

Aaanyway, if I disappear that's why, if you see me around AIM on Sat evening/Sunday then I didn't go and you will have me to share plot bunnies with/poke/generally corrupt ^_^

Jade xoxox